President Joe Biden made another embarrassing gaffe while speaking about the Holocaust during his visit to Israel on Wednesday.

Biden bungled his words and sounded like he was praising the Holocaust before he corrected himself.

“Later today, I will once more return to the hallowed ground of Yad Vashem to honor the 6 million Jewish lives that were stolen in a genocide and continue,” said Biden.

“Which we must do every, every day — continue to bear witness, to keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust — horror of the Holocaust — honor those we lost, so that we never, ever forget that lesson, you know, and to continue our shared, unending work to fight the poison of anti-Semitism wherever it raises its ugly head,” Biden added.

Biden is on a two-day visit to the Middle East, his first since taking office. A senior Israeli official said the U.S. and Israel will commit to working together in order to combat the possibility of a nuclear threat from Iran.

Biden’s latest gaffe only cements criticism from both the right and increasingly from the left that Biden’s age is getting in the way of his performance as president.

A recent poll found that a majority of Democrats did not want Biden to run for re-election in 2024 but instead would prefer another Democrat run in his place.

When a reporter asked Biden at the White House about the polling, the president lashed out at him and lurched to confront the reporter.

“They want me to run!” said Biden.

“Read the polls. Read the polls, Jack!” he exclaimed. “You guys are all the same. That poll showed that 92% of Democrats if I ran would vote for me.”

Here’s the video of the embarrassing Holocaust gaffe:

In Israel, Joe Biden Brings Up “Truth And Honor Of The Holocaust” Before Correcting Himself