Marvel Comics will introduce a variant character of a gay Spider-Man with a “fearlessly femme” identity.

The writer of one of the Spider-Man comics revealed the name of the gay Spider-Man and some character costume designs on his Twitter account Thursday.

“Something I realized immediately when conceiving Web-Weaver is that he can’t — and shouldn’t — represent ALL gay men. No single character can,” said Steve Foxe in the tweet.

“His fearlessly femme identity is central to who he is, but it’s not the STORY— which you can experience for yourself in September!” he added.

Foxe later protected his tweets so that only his followers could access them.

The character is scheduled to have his first appearance in Edge of the Spider-Verse #5 in September. In solicitations for the comic, the character is described as a “not-so-mild mannered fashion designer at Van Dyne” who gets spider-powers and “shows us a very different kind of Spider-Slayer.”

There were some tweets from users critical about the idea, but even some of those who were supportive of the idea were uneasy about the execution.

“I respect what they’re doing………but making the first gay Spiderman Effeminite and Camp could be really tone deaf depending on how he’s written…I would have rather had a Peter who acts like the Peter we already know but he’s in love with another guy,” said one commentator.

“I’m a young gay lad and yes of course I’m all for diversity and representation but wtf is this,” said another critic.

“Not saying that there can’t be a gay Spiderman but did they have to make him any more into a stereotype of a gay person,” read another response.

In 2020 a report said that Sony Studios was actively seeking to film a movie with a bisexual Spider-Man that had a boyfriend.

Here’s more about the gay version of Spider-Man:

Marvel Introduces Its First Gay Spider-Man as the Latest Spider-Verse Variant