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San Jose must budget
for police and prevention

A recent op-ed (“San Jose needs moral alignment of its budget priorities,” Page 6, June 14) criticizes our expansion of the nation’s most thinly-staffed police department in this year’s budget.  For the first time in decades, SJPD will deploy walking patrol officers in every police district.

Police spending need not come at the expense of crime prevention and youth programs, however; we’ve also dramatically expanded investment in our youth, including:

• Community-serving jobs for young adults in San José Resilience Corps ($9.1 million), and San Jose Works jobs for teens ($1 million);

• Gang prevention programs ($6.8 million);

• Open libraries on Sundays in 13 high-need neighborhoods ($2.1 million);

• San Jose Aspires microscholarships for first-generation students ($9.6 million);

• Community building in struggling Project Hope neighborhoods ($500,000);

• Afterschool learning in San Jose Learns and other child initiatives ($10.5 million).

For safer communities, we shouldn’t pit police against prevention; we must do both.

Mayor Sam Liccardo
San Jose

7 strikes against
S.J. City Council

Re. “San Jose approves new tiny home sites,” Page B1, June 23:

I write on behalf of neighbors who are “vehemently opposed” to Tiny Homes on Noble Avenue.

We can’t believe this location was even considered. This is a very bad, utterly irresponsible, potentially negligent idea:

1. It was already vetoed and found not viable a few years ago.

2. It is directly across the street from Noble Elementary School.

3. It is directly across the street from Noble Library.

4. It is across the street from a day care center.

5. It is very near Toyon Elementary School.

6. It is down the street from Piedmont Middle School.

7. It is a popular park, walking trail for countless neighbors and families, and a sanctuary for a wide variety of wildlife.

We are most willing to contribute toward helping find a more suitable location.

Robert and Sandra Kay
San Jose

To right the ship,
expand the court

I am beyond disappointed and angry in the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision to, for the first time in its history, strip citizens of constitutional rights.

This decision will profoundly affect girls and women. Women stripped of choice over their own bodies will die. This court has lost all of my trust. Its majority decisions are extreme and do not reflect the majority of Americans. The most recent justices also deceived Congress and the public about settled law regarding this decision.

It seems the only way to right this ship is to expand the court for a more balanced court that reflects its citizens.

Patti Gay
Ben Lomond

At heart, America
remains a great nation

​​The Pulitzer Prize-winning author David McCullough wrote this about America and its people:  “Yes, we have much to be seriously concerned about, much that needs to be corrected, improved, or dispensed with.  But the vitality and creative energy, the fundamental decency, the tolerance and insistence on truth, and the good-heartedness of the American people are there still plainly.”

America is not a perfect society. But, America is still a great nation, and the vast majority of Americans are good and generous people. Much of the world still looks to America for hope and for inspiration.

Throughout history, many hundreds of thousands of Americans have died and made great sacrifices for the freedoms that we enjoy today. Let’s remember them, and be grateful on this 4th of July.

Happy Independence Day.

Pete Campbell
San Jose

Biden must push
Senate on climate

Re. “If Biden fails on climate, it’s a white flag for planet,” Page A7, June 23:

I applaud Mike Tidwell for his impactful commentary on the urgent need for President Joe Biden to act on climate.

Some $550 billion in climate money is currently “sitting on the negotiation table” in the U.S. Senate as part of the budget reconciliation package. Everyone in the Senate Democratic caucus (including Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema) has “solidly supported” this huge climate allotment — the largest in the history of our country.

So what’s the big holdup?

Clearly, there are numerous other demands on Congress right now (inflation, gun control, etc.), so Biden needs to pressure the Senate to get this done.

We can’t squander this opportunity for federal action on climate. Time is of the essence, as evidenced by the negative climate effects that we are already experiencing right here in the Bay Area (extreme heat, drought, wildfires, etc.).

Urge President Biden to meet his climate commitment.

Paula Danz
Los Altos
