Conservative Americans are not the only people fed up with the radical gender ideology that leftists have been peddling around the globe — Halifax, a bank over in the UK, faced a wave of backlash after posting a tweet that declared “Pronouns matter,” along with a name tag that included the name “Gemma” and the pronouns “she/her/hers.”

Someone responded to the bank by tweeting, “Did all your staff agree on this or did a vocal few, force the change onto you with ‘concerns’?”

A bank representative named Lara replied by noting that including gender pronouns is a choice: “Adding pronouns is completely optional. We’re offering our colleagues the choice because we understand how important it is to create a safe and accepting environment that normalises the conversation around gender identity. ^Lara.”

When someone replied to the bank’s initial tweet about pronouns and said that they were thinking they should shut down their account, a representative replied on the bank’s official Twitter account with a message that said, “Hi, I’m Lee. At Halifax, we strive for inclusion and equality. Giving our colleagues the option to add their pronouns on their badge, helps to create an inclusive environment for our customers and colleagues.”

Someone else responded to the bank by accusing it of “pathetic virtue signalling,” and asking, “Why are you trying to alienate people?”

But representative AndyM responded by tweeting, “We strive for inclusion, equality and quite simply, in doing what’s right. If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account. ^AndyM.”

Another individual replied to the bank’s declaration that “Pronouns matter,” by saying that the issue only matters to a small number of people: “Only to a tiny minority. You fail to understand that you’re annoying and alienating the vast majority of your customers. Just be a bank without all of the virtue signalling. You’re fuelling mental illness by pandering to this nonsense. Might move my account to a less woke bank,” the tweet declared.