Rep. Danny Davis speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on gun violence in Washington, DC, on June 8.
Rep. Danny Davis speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on gun violence in Washington, DC, on June 8. (Andrew Harnik/Pool/AP)

Incumbent Rep. Danny Davis will beat Kina Collins to win the Democratic nomination in the 7th Congressional District in Illinois, CNN projects. Davis is seeking a 14th term and there is no Republican running for the seat.

As crime becomes a growing issue ahead of the midterms, the 7th District has become a focal point in the Chicago area. According to the City of Chicago’s Violence Reduction Dashboard, two of the four “summer safety zones” the city identified for additional outreach are inside its borders, including in the areas of Austin and West Garfield Park. A host of city agencies dedicate resources to “summer safety zones” to respond to high levels of violence.

During the campaign, Collins, who is a community activist, has sought to illustrate her close bond to the city while criticizing Davis for missing votes on Capitol Hill. For his part, Davis brushed off the question about the votes — saying he’s never missed a meaningful one in a long career where, by his estimation, he’s cast more than 15,000 of them. According to GovTrack, Davis, who has served in Congress since 1997, has missed 1,012 of 16,410 roll call votes, or 6.2%.

Read more about the candidates here.

CNN’s Gregory Krieg and Eva McKend contributed reporting to this post. 
