Affordable housing projects in Sunnyvale, San Jose and Morgan Hill were approved on Tuesday in a unanimous vote by the Santa Clara County Supervisors.

A total of 328 units of housing between the three cities were given the green light at a total cost of $29 million that will come from a mixture of Measure A bonds and state funding. The housing will serve a variety of populations, including homeless individuals, families with special needs and agricultural workers.

In Sunnyvale, developer Mid-Pen Housing plans to build 174 units for $11.2 million at 1179 Sonora Court —  smack dab in the middle of several of the Valley’s tech companies like Texas Instruments and one of Apple’s office sites.

In San Jose, 89 units are planned for $4.6 million by the county’s Housing Authority that would take over plots at 237, 243 and 245 Race Street and 216 and 230 Grand Avenue. The project will be located just north of O’Connor Park in downtown.

In Morgan Hill, 65 units will be built by developer First Community Housing for $13.2 million at 17965 Monterey Road, which is across the street from the city’s Community Adult School.

The approval by the supervisors is part of a wider effort by the county to try to combat the region’s housing crisis. Measure A, which was narrowly passed by voters in 2016, issued $950 million in bonds for affordable housing projects throughout the county. According to the latest data provided by the county, 659 units have been completed, 1,180 are under construction and 1,574 are in the pre-construction phase.

State funding for the three county housing sites will come from the No Place Like Home program, which was signed by the governor in 2016.
