Dozens of Democratic lawmakers are supporting a resolution for a “Trans Bill of Rights.”

“This resolution provides a comprehensive framework to provide protections for transgender and nonbinary people, ensuring that they are not discriminated against or persecuted for their gender identity and expression,” according to a press release.

“With this resolution, we salute the resilience and courage of trans people across our country, and outline a clear vision of what we must do in Congress in order to allow trans people to lead lead full, happy lives with the basic freedoms to housing, physical and mental healthcare, and employment without discrimination or a risk to their lives,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said in a statement.

The proposed plan of action would almost certainly have dramatic negative repercussions for the rights Americans who do not support the LGBT agenda, as it would entail enshrining the concept of gender identity within civil rights law.

The plan would involve editing “the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to explicitly include gender identity and sex characteristics as protected characteristics” and altering “federal education laws to explicitly clarify that they protect students from discrimination based on gender identity and sex characteristics,” according to the press release.

It would also entail “codifying Bostock and clarifying that it is illegal to discriminate in employment, housing, and credit based on gender identity and sex characteristics” and “requiring the Attorney General to designate a liaison within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice dedicated to advising and overseeing enforcement of the civil rights of transgender people.” It would also involve “codifying the right to abortion and contraception, protecting transgender people from discrimination in healthcare, and banning forced surgery on intersex children and infants in violation of ethical standards of care.”

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling last week that enables states to ban abortions — Democrats have been up in arms about the decision.

The dogmas of radical gender ideology remain deeply controversial. One area of significant debate has surrounded the issue of women’s sports, as many people do not believe biological men should be allowed to compete in female athletics. Examples of biological males winning in women’s sports continue to occur — for example, a 29-year-old transgender skateboarder recently won first place in a competition, while a 13-year-old girl placed second.