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Congrats to Warriors
on roasting Celtics
Re. “Boston bar’s Ayesha Curry sign goes viral,” Page C3, June 17:
The cheap shot by Boston’s Game On bar about “Ayesha Curry can’t cook” got a good reply – the Golden State Warriors cooked the Boston Celtics last night, in their own yard.
Great cooking – congratulations Warriors.
Virendra Jain
Livermore sewer work
is bad for public health
When considering the proposed south Livermore sewer line extension, it is essential to understand the repercussions of this decision in its entirety. By accommodating more wineries, Livermore is also inviting a dangerous threat to our environmental and public health.
The Livermore wine industry does not offer transparency on what pesticides are being sprayed, and we need more conversations about their detrimental effects.
The line’s extension would extend the capacity of the existing sewer system, enabling Livermore’s existing wineries to expand and allow for more wineries to open up in south Livermore. This decision would increase the wine industry’s footprint in Livermore while simultaneously dramatically increasing the volume of pesticide use in the Tri-Valley.
Children are particularly vulnerable to pesticides, and many long-term health issues are documented due to this exposure to known carcinogens.
Please consider voting no when the sewer extension hits the ballot in November.
Victoria Tishman Kamerzell
Could education code
derail junior rodeos?
Some good news to report (for the animals, anyway). The Livermore Jr. Rodeo, scheduled for June 18, has been canceled, reportedly due to the unavailability of an on-site ambulance. The Rowell Ranch Jr. Rodeo remains scheduled for August 5-7.
Which raises a question: California Education Code 60042 mandates that “humane education and kindness to animals be taught in the public schools, K-12.” Junior rodeos would seem a blatant violation of this mandate, what with their many abusive events, such as “mutton busting,” calf riding and roping, goat tying and various “scrambles” – dangerous for children and animals alike.
Nearly every animal welfare organization in California condemns rodeos due to their inherent cruelty. Various school districts need to be called to task on this humane issue. Perhaps lawsuits are in order.
As Tennessee Williams wrote in “Night of the Iguana”: “Cruelty is the only unforgivable sin.”
Eric Mills
Second Amendment
must go, and now
The Second Amendment was needed in the 1700s when we had no real Army and no Navy. When the British were coming we counted on the armed farmers for protection.
Today we have a very strong Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Today we don’t have to worry – the Mexicans or the Canadians are not coming. Therefore to protect our men, women and children we need to get the guns out of civilian hands. Guns belong to the military.
By removing the Second Amendment it could take 10 to 20 years for attrition to get the guns off the streets, but we have to start now.
Jim Carroll
Jan. 6 panel is partisan,
but only against one
Re. “What the Jan. 6 House committee might’ve been,” Page A7, June 17:
Victor Davis Hanson tries to dismiss Jan. 6 by deflecting, a common device. Slick production aside, Jan. 6 is really about a president who knowingly broke the law, leading to death, destruction and a crisis and close call unparalleled in our history.
Hanson deflects but does not dispute this. Republican leadership categorically refused to participate in the Jan. 6 committee after two of the proposed members were rejected. Without sympathetic members, they gave up the opportunity for the ignited argumentation Hanson craves.
Every witness so far has either been a member of the former president’s staff or a professed conservative Republican. There has been nothing but praise and compassion for the former vice president. But the committee is indeed partisan – against one man.
Donald Jedlovec
Many voters only
hear from the right
Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, recently commented that senior citizens will have to accept less money from Social Security. His solution to Social Security insolvency is to cut the amount seniors receive and increase taxes for the average person, not the super-rich or corporations. So, the people who can least afford it get hit twice.
The Republicans have been talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare for decades, yet somehow, they get re-elected. That’s probably because they use the keywords “God” and “guns.” Many of the people who repeatedly vote for Republicans live in parts of this country where they only have access to conservative news and opinions: no NPR either. The choice to censor their news was made by the Republican politicians, not by the people.
People can’t make wise decisions when denied all the information. Wake up America.
Belinda Neuman
Pleasant Hill
Source: www.mercurynews.com