Slack, a platform that some companies use to enable workers to communicate with each other, has yanked its service away from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, an organization that advocates for decreasing the level of immigration into the U.S.

Fox News reported that a Slack spokesperson noted in a statement that utilizing the service “to encourage or incite hatred or violence against groups or individuals violates our Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service, and is antithetical to our values and the very purpose of Slack.”

“When we learn of an organization using Slack for illegal, harmful or other prohibited purposes, we conduct an investigation and take appropriate action in accordance with our policy,” the spokesperson said, according to the outlet. “We suspended the account in question, which is affiliated with a known hate group, after determining that it violated our policy. The use of Slack by hate groups runs counter to everything we believe in at Slack and is not welcome on our platform.”

FAIR president Dan Stein told Fox News Digital that the organization supports secure borders and an end to unlawful immigration.

“FAIR is a mainstream organization by historical standards. Basically, we want border security, border control, stop illegal immigration,” Stein said. “And we’re not anti-immigrant. We love immigrants, but we want it to be moderated and a reasonably enforceable limit annually. Is this rocket science?”

Stein wrote to Slack and protested the company’s action against FAIR.

“According to the documents you site as legally binding, FAIR is entitled to notice and a 30-day opportunity to cure any defects in performance. We received no such notice and opportunity to cure. Please reinstate our account and provide us with the specific violations of your terms of service, with reference to any activities or statements on your platform, so that we may cure the defects. In the alternative, please reinstate our account so that we may preserve our business records that rightfully belong to us,” Stein wrote.

“You have, without any notice and opportunity to download files, stolen over six years of our intellectual property. This is a substantial injury to our business operations and we will act accordingly,” Stein declared. “We have a battery of attorneys on staff and outside legal counsel as well, and more than sufficient resources at our disposal to ensure our rights are protected.”