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In quest to close airport,
Chavez slights baseball

Re. “Little Leaguers want fields to stay in play,” Page B1, June 15:

Despite her pious protestations, Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez has demonstrated exactly how much — or how little — she cares about Little Leaguers.

Her only concern is getting the airport closed and the land sold to a developer while she’s still in a position to do mischief.

Donald Grimes
Los Gatos

Want Chavez’s attention?
Unionionize Little League

Re. “Little Leaguers want fields to stay in play,” Page B1, June 15:

I would suggest in order for the Eastridge Little League to overcome Santa Clara County  Supervisor Cindy Chavez’s demand to shut down the Little League field is to form a union of Little Leaguers. It is a known fact when the unions speak, Supervisor Chavez responds.

As there is no high lead in the field a union of Little Leaguers would enable Supervisor Chavez to get the lead out of her demands to shut the field down.

Charles Shoemaker

Speak out to stop abuse
of special needs kids

Re. “Lawsuit: While East Bay teacher ‘groomed’ student for sexual abuse, district ignored warning signs,” June 11:

Special needs children are a vulnerable group who are unable to fight back or speak out as easily as others. In fact, “special needs students are at 4.6 times the risk for sexual mistreatment” than other children, according to the PLBSH Firm.

What shocks me most is the situation’s aftermath. The fact that Shetterly persisted in abusing the girl after being arrested indicates the lack of control and attention given to this case. I thought of the viral Depp v. Heard trial that was recently concluded, and how it took six years for an abuse victim’s truthful story to surface, let alone be accepted by the public.

I hope that by increasing awareness of these situations, fighting for the rights of special needs students, and heightening security measures in and out of schools, we can prevent such unfortunate cases from happening again.

Shannon Ma

Schools must do more
to fight climate change

Now that school is out, auto traffic is noticeably diminished. It is discouraging to consider that schools, particularly private schools that draw from a large area, are major sources of emissions.

I encourage administrators and parents to contemplate the world their students will inherit in, say, 2050, when today’s high schoolers will be in the prime of their lives. Today, atmospheric CO2 is still increasing. Those adults should understand that the world will continue to warm decades after we reach zero emissions. Today’s fires, drought, and extreme weather are the coming attractions. It is long past time to pay attention.

Terry Gibson
Mountain View

Guns are hollowing
out nation morally

They say one of the little girls in Uvalde was recognized only by her little shoes with hand-drawn hearts on them. Bullets from the AR-15 hollowed out her body, as AR-15s are designed to do.

If in this country we continue to place a higher value on military-grade weapons for civilians over the lives of our children, we will become hollowed out — morally and spiritually. Who, then, will recognize us?

Larry Ebert
San Francisco

It’s time we take
public safety seriously

Re. “Girl, 15, severely hurt in pellet gun attack,” Page B4, June 15:

Through a casual conversation with a taxi driver when I traveled to Singapore, I learned that it is common for people to walk out at night because they have no safety concerns.

If Singapore and other countries can provide their people the confidence to walk out on the streets without worries, why can’t the United States do the same? I sometimes wonder how it might sound if shootings become so frequent that they are being reported like traffic news.

Public safety concerns are paramount in the United States, and it is time for us to give them the highest priority.

Yiwen Guo
San Jose

Pence faced constitution
and conflict of interest

Donald Trump’s insistence that Mike Pence could refuse to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election fails to recognize the obvious: Pence had an irreconcilable conflict of interest.

As Trump’s vice presidential candidate, he could not have taken any action that would have favored his own candidacy. Had his role been anything but ceremonial, he most likely would have been forced to recuse. The country might have avoided a lot of bloodshed if somebody had simply pointed that out.

Roy Verley
San Jose
