CNN  — 

Highlights from Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s 68-page public questionnaire for the Senate Committee on the Judiciary:

  • Gorsuch reveals details of his nomination process: “On January 30, 2017, I received a call from the President informing me that he would nominate me for the Supreme Court vacancy.” (page 67)
  • Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch, the first of 10 cases Gorsuch cited as the most significant he has presided over, was about immigration law. (page 25)
  • Gorsuch previously volunteered for Republican presidential campaigns: “Prior to becoming a judge, I volunteered on various political campaigns, including for President Ronald Reagan, President George H.W. Bush, and President George W. Bush, and participated in groups such as ‘Lawyers for Bush~Cheney.’” (page 40)

Read the full text of Gorsuch’s questionnaire:

Gorsuch questionnaire
