In 2019, “Midsommar” premiered in theaters and the world was never the same again. The film was directed by Ari Astor, who’d previously debuted with the A24 horror movie “Hereditary” in 2018. The film stars Florence Pugh as psychology student Dani Ardor, who (SPOILER ALERT) experiences the loss of her parents and sister, then much to her boyfriend Christian’s reluctance, travels to a remote village in Sweden for a midsummer festival with him and his friends. The group of students then find themselves in the clutches of a sinister Scandinavian pagan cult and all hell breaks loose as the cult begins performing sacrificial rituals. 

In addition to Pugh, actors Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, William Jackson Harper and Will Poulter also star in the film. The film was well received by audiences and critics alike, becoming one of the most talked about horror films of that year. It also stands out as an excellent example of folk horror, with other entries including “The Blair Witch Project,” “The Wicker Man,” “The Witch” and “La Llorona.” 

Take a look at some of our favorite tattoos depicting scenes from this movie. Then let us know what you think of “Midsommar” and your favorite character from the film in the comments section on social media. 
