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SAN FRANCISCO – Progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has proven to be too radical even for the liberal Bay Area city as voters have chosen to recall the embattled prosecutor over his mishandling of crime.

San Francisco voted to recall Boudin with 61%, compared to 39% who wanted him to remain in place as the city’s DA, according to results at the time the Associated Press called the race, Fox News reported.

Boudin won election in 2019 with 50.8% of the vote and was sworn into office as San Francisco’s 29th district attorney on Jan. 8, 2020.

However, his short tenure as the leader of the prosecutor’s office was filled with dissatisfaction by the public as they saw crime skyrocket. Boudin’s progressive criminal justice policies pointed to an increased murder rate, violent crime, shoplifting, burglaries, and an open-air drug trade. Voters had seen enough and they bounced him from office. 

The son of Weather Underground radicals is the first San Francisco district attorney to be recalled, according to Fox.

Boudin’s father, David Gilbert, a former member of the left-wing extremist group, spent 40 years in prison for second-degree murder and first-degree robbery charges before being granted parole last year.

His mother, Kathy Boudin, who was also a member of Weather Underground, spent more than 20 years in prison prior to her release in 2003.

Bill Ayers was a co-founder of Weather Underground. He raised Boudin while his parents were incarcerated.

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