Late last December the age-old argument once again rose to the surface. It was not the classic 9mm vs. .45ACP, or even about 1911’s and two World Wars. It was much more serious than those. This holiday season the debate raged on whether Die Hard was a Christmas movie. Whether it is a Christmas movie or not didn’t stop Quarter Circle 10 from channeling John McClane with the YKMF-5.
The Quarter Circle 10 YKMF-5
This movie has become iconic in the gun world for a number of reasons. One that stands out is John McClane’s use of our beloved H&K MP5. While actually owning a true MP5 is out of most shooters’ grasp, we can find alternatives that give us the same look and feel.
New to this corner of the gun world is the team at Quarter Circle 10. They are well known for their pistol-caliber carbine products. I would even say that it is by far one of the most influential companies in the PCC market. The company has taken its extensive design skills and launched an entirely new gun for 2022—the YKMF-5.

This is a very MP5esque gun that has some unique features. QC10 even went full Die Hard with the name, as YKMF stands for “Yippie Ki Yay Mother F!#+*%”. Now you will never forget the name.
Under the Hood
The YKMF-5 has an MP5 vibe but is actually a blowback AR pistol. It is a relatively light gun at 5.14 pounds which usually means you get to deal with some interesting recoil. However, QC10 has an answer for that.
The gun incorporates their popular Adjustable Pistol Caliber Buffer Assembly. This system is adjustable for use with most pistol-caliber carbines. The buffer uses a quick-change weight management system to provide optimum reliability in multiple configurations.

The YKMF is equipped with a 5.5-inch QC10 barrel, topped off with a Dead Air Silencer Micro Brake. The handguard is a 4.25-inch unit from Bowden Tactical. It is one of the features that help give this gun its MP5 look.
This is a pistol and comes with an SB Tactical PDW Brace. The gun also comes with QC10’s Phase 5 90-degree ambidextrous safety selector. This is a solid design that is interchangeable and can be configured for right or left-handed shooters.

The gun departs from its German counterpart by including a side charging handle. It is a good balance in size with sufficient grip surface without over protruding. On top, the YKMF-5 has a Picatinny rail along the entire length of the gun. At the back of the receiver is a small, hinged plate. This exists to allow the bolt to be taken out and put back in place.

Want to read more? Pick up your copy of the July/August issue of Combat Handguns Magazine today.

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