Dr. Anthony Fauci said he would step down from his position as the nation’s leading infectious disease expert in 2024 no matter who is elected to the White House.

Fauci had previously said that he would step down if former President Donald Trump won a second term in 2024, but his newest comments mean he’ll step down even if a Democrat wins.

He made the comments while being interviewed by Neil Cavuto on Fox News Wednesday.

“You’ve dealt with COVID under this administration and the prior administration,” said Cavuto. “Would you continue serving that role if the prior president, Donald Trump, returns to the White House?”

“Well, I’m not going to get involved in any politics about who is or is not going in the White House,” responded Fauci.

“By the way, by the time that happens, I think I won’t be around, no matter who the president is,” he added.

“What does that mean? You’re done?” Cavuto asked.

“No, I’m not done yet,” Fauci laughed. “But you’re talking about a few years from now. And I don’t foresee that I will be doing this a few years from now.”

“So, no matter who is president, whether it’s Joe Biden getting reelected or someone else, Donald Trump or anyone else, you would not continue?” Cavuto asked.

“That’s exactly correct,” Fauci replied. “I have been doing this now for 38 years. It will be over 40 years if I wait that long.”

In his previous comments, Fauci noted that the response to the pandemic under Trump was what he would call “less than optimal,” but added that history would be the ultimate judge of the president.

A poll in Oct. 2021 found that a slim majority of Americans wanted Fauci to resign.

Here’s more on Fauci’s retirement:

Fauci says he will leave White House if Trump wins 2024 election www.youtube.com