While testifying at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Aimee Arrambide indicated that she thinks men can get pregnant and have abortions.

“What do you say a woman is?” Republican Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina asked Arrambide.

“I believe that everyone can identify for themselves,” Arrambide responded.

The congressman then inquired whether Arrambide believes “men can become pregnant, and have abortions?”

“Yes,” Arrambide succinctly replied.

Arrambide is the executive director of Avow, an organization that seeks “to secure unrestricted abortion access for every Texan,” according to the group’s website.

“This is getting ridiculous. I’m not interested in living in some alternate reality where objective truth ceases to exist,” Jedediah Bila tweeted in response to a video of the exchange.

“The radical far-left on full display,” GOP Rep. Alex Mooney of West Virginia tweeted.

“Insanity,” Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana tweeted.

While it is biologically impossible for men to get pregnant, the dogmas of radical leftist gender ideology dictate that individuals born biologically female may identify as men and become pregnant.

Prior to the exchange with Arrambide, Bishop had asked Dr. Yashica Robinson what a woman is. While Robinson, who was also a witness at the hearing, said that she is a woman, she would not offer the congressman a definition for what a woman is.

WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary hearing on abortion care access youtu.be

Earlier during the hearing, Republican Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana had asked Arrambide, “Do you support partial-birth abortion? In other words, the child is half delivered,” but “the woman says, ‘My right, I wanna take that one out.’ You support that?”

Arrambide replied by saying that she trusts individuals to make choices regarding their bodies.

Johnson said, “abortion should be allowed … by your definition, for any reason, for any purpose, at any stage, right?”

Arrambide reiterated that she trusts individuals “to make decisions about their body,” adding that, “when relevant, I think that they need to consult their medical practitioners and not Congress.”

WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary hearing on abortion care access youtu.be