Brian Broome said in an opinion piece that he believes conservatives do not care if non-white mothers have abortions.
A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion has revealed that the high court appears poised to overturn Roe v. Wade — Broome, a Washington Post contributing columnist, wrote that the ruling “is about protecting Whiteness.”
“The leaked draft opinion isn’t about protecting babies. It is about protecting Whiteness. Specifically, White babies. Many others have pointed out that if Republicans really cared about babies and children, they’d help provide help for poor infants, child care, health care, better funding for schools, and the like. But their concern is not about babies and children in general — only certain babies. The Supreme Court draft decision is about protecting what conservatives believe is a diminishing demographic and their most valuable resource: White people,” Broome wrote.
“It is my belief that conservatives couldn’t care less about whether or not mothers of color terminate pregnancies,” he wrote. “The real agenda here is to boost White birthrates, because among the biggest fears of conservatives is the fear of being outnumbered.”
“White conservatives want to protect something that is anathema to the American Dream. Their numbers. Their dominance. Their power. Their dream,” Broome wrote.
If the Supreme Court issues an official opinion later this year that is in line with the leaked draft opinion, the decision would allow states to ban abortions — some states already have trigger laws in place that would ban most abortions in the event of such a ruling.
“The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives,” the draft opinion reads.
While pro-life advocates would celebrate such a ruling, liberal pro-choice proponents have been sounding the alarm about the potential for such a decision from the high court.