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Vote for Gordon
for clerk-recorder

Voters have an important decision to make by June 7. As Contra Costa County’s longest-serving clerk-recorder with 24 years in the office, I urge you to vote for Vicki Gordon for clerk-recorder.

Vicki did not seek out this office; I sought out Vicki because she has all the traits and qualifications that will make a good clerk-recorder. She is honest, fair and diligent. She has experience running similarly large agencies, and she has been a dedicated and passionate public servant for over two decades.

I know the qualifications that this job requires. This is not your typical elected position, this is an actual job that requires overseeing a large agency and budget and making decisions that will affect voter turnout, ballot accuracy and the security of your vote and vital documents. Please vote for the experienced and qualified Vicki Gordon for clerk-recorder.

Steve Weir
Retired Contra Costa clerk-recorder

Kumagai is thoughtful
choice for Assembly

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which candidate has the experience to be an effective new Assembly member, especially when there are four names on the ballot that are new to me. It’s extremely helpful to have expert analysis that makes my decision easier.

I just read that the East Bay Times recommends Shawn Kumagai as the “wise choice” and “standout candidate” for Assembly District 20 because of his thoughtful approach to difficult housing, transportation funding and environmental issues. I want to vote for a “voice of reason during a time of often-polarizing politics,” as the paper called him. Shawn Kumagai is also the only one of the four candidates who has held elective public office.

Tough times call for experienced, practical leaders who know how to get things done. I’m voting for Shawn.

Minane Jameson

Knox deserves vote
as Contra Costa DA

Re. “Diana Becton is best choice for Contra Costa prosecutor,” Page A6, April 6:

If you think Chesa Boudin and George Gascon are model DAs, then by all means vote for Diana Becton.

She, Boudin, Gascon and the San Joaquin DA are the only four elected DAs who are members of “The Prosecutor’s Alliance,” a breakaway group of “progressive” DAs who care more about criminals than victims. Gascon and Boudin both face recall challenges because of their failed policies. Becton shares their values.

Mary Knox is an actual prosecutor who will fulfill the duties of the job.

Mark Melton
Walnut Creek

It’s school board’s job
to pick what gets taught

It may not be popular to say so right now, but parents do not decide how the public schools are run, or what is taught — local school boards make those decisions. School boards are elected by the entire community (including those parents who can and do vote), and their decisions reflect what the community wants children to learn.

Of course, the board should listen to parents and anybody else who wants to be heard, and consider their opinions. And if some parents are unhappy with what the board decides, there are probably private schools that are closer to their ideas, or they can homeschool.

Merlin Dorfman

Men have no right to
limit a woman’s choice

I have one simple question: Why do men feel it’s their precognitive to take away the rights of any woman make her reproductive choices?

How would men feel if we passed a law that made getting a vasectomy illegal? How would you like that?

Ladies, I do not know how you feel but I am getting fed up with people I do not even know telling me what I can or cannot do.

Maryann Sheridan
Walnut Creek

Anti-abortionists must
look beyond the uterus

Since the anti-abortionists say that fetuses are already people and that it is murder if they are aborted by choice, then it would be hypocritical if they said that right ends at birth.

Therefore, they should agree that we should prohibit all means of killing people that may be unjust, including war, weapons of mass destruction, the military, armed police, concealed carry.and death sentences. If not, one wonders if they get to choose what to call murder and what is not.

Bill Pinkham
