Many on the far left turned on President Joe Biden and accused him of not doing enough to protect abortion rights after the Supreme Court leak indicating the probable overturn of Roe v. Wade.

“Biden won’t federalize abortion services, won’t even call for a filibuster carve out for abortion rights, and doesn’t think people should be inconveniencing [Supreme Court Justice] Brett Kavanaugh before he casts the deciding forced birth vote… but sure, the real problem is [Sen.] Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.),” tweeted liberal legal commentator Elie Mystal.

The popular tweet garnered over 23k likes and Mystal went on to hammer away on Democrats defending Biden.

“I will vote for Democrats, then criticize Democrats when they suck, then vote for them again, in a little maneuver I call ‘BEING CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING MULTIPLE F***ING TRUTHS AT THE SAME GODDAMN TIME,’” he added.

Mystal seemed especially angry that White House press secretary Jen Psaki denounced the possibility of violent protests against the conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

“We understand the passion, we understand the concern, but what the president’s position is is that that should be peaceful,” said Psaki on Thursday.

Others on the left chimed in to support Mystal’s anger against Biden.

“It all always starts at the top despite people’s hero/savior-worship. Joe’s a good guy mostly, but he’s just too old and out of touch to give a hoot about our crisis it seems. Just like the DOJ, he says words, then goes about in la-la-land,” replied another critic.

“I agree with this. Dems need to be 100% unified and fight together on this. You know the GOP is. It’s an absolute disgrace the messaging that’s coming from the White House on this,” said another social media user.

“Democrats losing abortion rights while having the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, is going to wake a lot of people up to how f***ing useless they are,” said another detractor.

“Joe Biden is working harder to defend Brett Kavanaugh than abortion rights,” replied a user identifying herself as a feminist.

Here’s more about the SCOTUS protests:

White House Warns Against ‘Violence, Threats, Or Vandalism’ After Protests Outside Supreme Court Jus