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Did Supreme Court
justices commit perjury?

It is my understanding that it is illegal to lie to Congress. That being the case, shouldn’t Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett be prosecuted for lying to the Senate?

All three vowed to either uphold Roe v Wade as it is the law of the land or that they would support it as precedent. They have not done that.  There needs to be a way to nullify their decisions and votes since they were approved under false pretenses.

Anyone lying to Congress should be punished, and since everyone is supposed to be equal under the law, Kavanaugh, Barrett and Gorsuch should not be exceptions.

The vast majority of Americans are law-abiding citizens; Supreme Court nominees need to be held to high standards, including telling the truth to Congress, or face the consequences.

Marcia Fariss

Crockett deserves look
as next county assessor

I feel like your political coverage has been incomplete. The articles about the race for the Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office concentrated on two of the candidates and barely mentioned the third candidate, Andrew Crockett.

When Gary Kremen dropped out, The Mercury News ignored Andrew Crockett, giving voters the impression that only two candidates were contesting for the Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office.

I encourage everyone to check out Andrew Crockett’s election website to be more fully informed about the 2022 election.

Carole Parker

Set aside a billion
to build water pipeline

Re. “Newsom urges approval of desalination project,” Page A1, April 30:

A billion dollars would go a long way toward the construction of a pipeline from the Columbia River to Lake Shasta.

This would connect us to the abundant water resources of our neighbor to the north. Why not buy some of their surplus water? My Canadian friends say they like the idea.

Such a pipeline, or canal, would provide a connection between Canada, the United States and Mexico to stabilize the availability of water, increasingly our most precious resource.

Brian Cilker
Los Altos

Kaepernick’s initiative
a balm for worried families

Colin Kaepernick’s initiative for second autopsies in police-related deaths is an excellent plan because it will help eliminate issues from the first autopsy.

Additionally, this is a good initiative considering what racism has become in the United States. Several police-related deaths have been witnessed, but family members end up getting the wrong results. The initiative will succeed because it will empower a panel of board-certified forensic pathologists who will disclose all preliminary findings and issue all the final reports to family members. Victims will always consider performing a second autopsy when they have concerns about the conclusions of the initial autopsy and not the process itself.

The interest of law enforcement is to protect and serve citizens at all costs. This is an initiative they can use to demonstrate it to citizens.

Francisco Parra
San Jose

Rather than raise taxes,
cut government cash

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has just suggested that we raise taxes to fight inflation. We can add that to the other ingenious policies, such as closing down businesses only to pay people for not working in them, closing the schools and wondering why children have lost a year or more of learning.

For years, our leaders have spent far more than collected from the taxes we pay already. How about we cut spending in every branch of our state, local and federal governments by 20%? No, not cut the rate of growth: Cut the budget of every bureau, department, agency and office. No more duplication of services, no more inflated personal staffs and a 20% salary reduction for those deemed less important, like senators who neither understand nor represent the people whose taxes pay the freight. Let’s fight inflated politicians.

Jay Morrett
San Jose
