The U.S. Supreme Court potentially overturning Roe v. Wade may galvanize Republican voters and discourage Democrats in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections according to recent findings from a CNN poll.

According to the poll’s results, Republicans may be more likely to turn out for the upcoming midterm elections than they were earlier in the year whereas Democratic voters have displayed less interest in voting since this past November.

The poll asked, “If the elections for Congress were being held today, which party’s candidate would you vote for in your Congressional district?” 42% of respondents indicated they would lean towards supporting candidates belonging to the Democratic Party and 49% of respondents said they would support Republican Party candidates.

The poll asked respondents who said they would vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate for Congress whether that vote was “For the Democrat” or “Against the Republican.” 59% said they would cast their vote “For the Democrat” while 41% said they would vote “Against the Republican.”

Similarly, the inverse was asked of respondents who said they would cast their vote for the Republican Party’s candidates. 65% of these respondents said they would vote “For the Republican” and 35% said they were voting “Against the Democrat.”

Rates of enthusiasm for voting in the upcoming midterm elections are also lower for Democrats than they are for Republicans.

56% of Republican respondents said they were “extremely/very enthusiastic” about the upcoming election cycle while only 43% of Democrats said they felt similarly.

Additionally, 28% of Democrats said they felt “not too/not at all enthusiastic” about the elections while 13% of Republicans said they felt the same.

Among registered voters who lean Republican, 52% said they felt “extremely/vert enthusiastic” about the election while 42% of voters who lean Democrat felt similarly inclined.

The results of this poll came after the May 2 leak of a draft decision from the U.S. Supreme Court indicating that the nation’s highest court may be preparing to overrule Roe v. Wade which created the legal right for an abortion at the national level in 1973.

CNBC reported that the Democratic Party and nonprofit groups affiliated with the party were able to raise more than $7 million just hours after the draft opinion leaked. This enthusiasm for donating to Leftwing causes suggested that Democrats had new waves of enthusiasm motivating their base to turn out, but, as CNN’s poll shows, this is not the case.