A Washington Post reporter was forced to walk back an allegation that a Drudge Report staffer harassed her to issue a correction for a recent report.

What are the details?

According to a report from Fox News, Lorenz tweeted on Monday that a Drudge Report editor had been “calling and texting me relentlessly for the past couple of weeks.”

The Daily Mail also reported that Lorenz claimed that the unnamed editor “yelled at me when I asked him to leave me alone and said he would ‘blast my name all over’ … until it ruins my career.”

In a statement on Lorenz’s purported snafu, Drudge Report owner Matt Drudge said that he “never contacted her, nor has anyone associated with the Drudge report” reached out to Lorenz and asked her to issue corrections.

Lorenz later deleted the initial tweet and issued a clarification.

She wrote, “For anyone who saw my post abt this man claiming to be from Drudge calling me non stop, good news: I heard from Matt Drudge & this man has zero power over Drudge! He’s claiming to be an editor all over the internet but he’s not. Sorry to disappoint everyone saying Drudge is based.”

A spokesperson for the Washington Post told CNN that Lorenz was “repeatedly contacted by someone who claimed to be a Drudge editor.”

“As soon as she learned the person had no connection to the Drudge Report, she deleted the original tweet and wrote a tweet apologizing for her comment,” the comment continued.

She later told CNN that her first tweet was a “joke.”

Lorenz recently made headlines for reportedly doxxing Twitter user Libs of TikTok.

Anything else to know?

The Daily Mail reported that Lorenz later “shrugged off” the incident.

“I just got a good laugh over the idea Drudge Report would have any impact on my career lol,” she reportedly wrote in a series of since-deleted tweets. “Lol I didn’t even know Drudge Report was even still around. I still think someone claiming to ruin my career on the Drudge Report is objectively hilarious. I know you’re thirsty for media news, maybe u can report on someone claiming to destroy me on Geocities next.”