Events for older adults

Bay Area Older Adults is hosting a museum tour, an entomology exploration and a tramp through the park this month.

A guided tour of the Los Altos History Museum is set for May 6, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., and will feature the photography and video exhibit “Every Wrinkle Tells a Story.” Register at

On a stroll at Hellyer County Park on May 11, 9 a.m.-noon, participants will observe and learn about the insects that live around and in Cottonwood Lake and Coyote Creek such as damselflies, moths, backswimmers, scuds, beetles, and the variety of insects that live on the leaves and stems of oak trees including colorful, textured and differently shaped gall wasps.

On May 25 a docent from Henry Coe State Park will discuss the park’s history and nature during a walk along a creekbed with late spring wildflowers and a visit to the fish pond where endangered pond turtles, newts, hummingbirds, quail, jays and woodpeckers often reside. The walk is set for May 25, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Register for either hike at 

For more information, email or call 408-774-0593.

Open space volunteer intake

The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority is hosting a virtual volunteer intake and training May 7, 9-11 a.m. Hosted on Zoom, this training will cover the authority’s history, mission and accomplishments, explain volunteer roles and provide instruction on how to use the authority’s volunteer portal to log volunteer hours.

Register at
