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PORTLAND, Ore. – Antifa militants dressed in black bloc attacked a group of Republican volunteers in Portland on Saturday. The Post Milllennial reports that the attack occurred around noon, in the downtown area during a rally for Republican Mayor Stan Pulliam of Sandy, Oregon who is running for Governor.

Mayor Stan Pulliam shared a video to Twitter which showed black bloc Antifa approaching the group carrying “Antifascist” flags and various different objects.

Antifa militants allegedly launched projectiles at the crowd that included mortar type fireworks. They also used noisemakers to drown out the group, in an attempt to disrupt their freedom of speech.

“This is what happens when a Republican dares to hold an event in Portland to talk about funding our police. Antifa shows up. Well we won’t be intimidated and stop speaking the truth,” Pulliam said.

Portland police report that two people were injured from Antifa using mortar explosives. One adult male reported an injury to the hand, and an adult female complained of hearing loss. Antifa also allegedly filled balloons with paint and were throwing them at people and vehicles.

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