A new book about first lady Jill Biden had embarrassingly low sales in its debut week. Online commentators noted that perhaps the first family is not as popular as many were led to believe.

On Friday, Politico published an article kvetching about how the White House press briefings have “become a bore” because Donald Trump is no longer in the Oval Office.

“Jen [Psaki] is very good at her job, which is unfortunate,” a White House correspondent told Politico. “And the work is a lot less rewarding, because you’re no longer saving democracy from Sean Spicer and his Men’s Wearhouse suit. Jawing with Jen just makes you look like an a**hole.”

Buried in the article: “NPD BookScan, which tracks book sales in the U.S., said that prominent books about Trump released in his first two years of office outsold Biden books during his first year and a half by, what an official there said was, ‘essentially 10:1.’ A newly released biography about Jill Biden, by two well-respected Associated Press journalists, sold just 250 units in its first week, according to the company.”

AP reporters Julie Pace and Darlene Superville wrote “Jill: A Biography of the First Lady.” The book attempts to “reveal some of the private sides of Jill Biden.”

“We come to better understand her personality, which has held the Biden family together through tragedy and good fortune alike,” said the description of the book

Based on book sales, readers are apparently not interested in paying $26 to “better understand” the personality of Jill Biden.

Twitter reactions to the disappointing book sales had many commentators asking how the first lady to the most popular president in U.S. history could have such pathetic sales numbers. President Joe Biden set a new record with 81,284,000 votes in the 2020 election.

Columnist Tim Young pointed out, “81 million votes, but Jill Biden’s new biography only sold 250 total copies in 1 week.”

Republican Congressional candidate Dr. Willie J. Montague added, “81,000,000 votes, though.”


Talk show host Chris Stigall noted, “Her husband got the most votes in the history of presidential elections, you know?”

Political commentator Kambree Kawahine Koa tweeted, “How humiliating. Jill Biden’s biography only sold 250 copies it’s first week. It blows my mind considering her husband is the most popular president in American history.”

At the moment, the only book featuring Jill Biden that people have some interest in is “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.” According to the book that launches next week, Jill Biden did not want Kamala Harris as her husband’s running mate.

“There are millions of people in the United States,” the first lady said according to the book. “Why do we have to choose the one who attacked Joe?”