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Chavez has experience
to be next S.J. mayor
Experience Matters. In March 2020, we relied on the county of Santa Clara to navigate us safely through the COVID pandemic. We survived. We cannot forget that Supervisor Cindy Chavez brought the county together with mayors of every city for weekly check-ins to manage and constantly improve the response. Although the first COVID death in the country was documented in San Jose, we remained a safe region with efficient testing sites, vaccination sites and overflow hospital support.
Experience matters. The homelessness issue – ever-expanding encampments and unhoused having severe mental health challenges — dominates our concerns. Cindy Chavez will bring local government, mental health teams and public safety teams to one table to implement a sustainable solution.
Experience Matters. Cindy has a solid record of inspiring, empowering and facilitating key teams to establish solutions toward powerful change. Cindy Chavez is our only choice for mayor of San Jose.
Sally Schroeder
San Jose
Political retread wrong
choice for S.J. mayor
San Jose will be electing a new mayor later this year. We need someone with new ideas, not old ideas.
The last person the city of San Jose needs is Cindy Chavez. Let’s select someone younger with new ideas, not a retread.
Jon Ramos
San Jose
Here’s how to boost
atmosphere at Chase
Following Chase Center’s inaugural playoff homestand, reality began to sink in: The atmosphere once on display at Oracle is long gone.
Personally, I remain optimistic in regards to the atmosphere at Chase, but there is work to do. After attending more games than my bank account should reasonably allow, I’ve made a few observations regarding the differences between Oracle and Chase. Fans are more reluctant to stand up during the game, are late arriving to their seats following halftime, and most importantly seem to have an overall lower level of knowledge regarding the team and the NBA in general.
I’m not sure how effective these measures would be, but if asked I would suggest the following: Lower ticket prices, maintain stronger relationships with those who frequented the old arena, stop blasting music every offensive possession, and bring back the yellow shirts.
Eli Lebowitz
San Jose
Urge HR 6100 passage
to protect animals
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is required to inspect commercial animal breeders to ensure compliance with the minimum standards of care required by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
Last year an Iowa breeder surrendered more than 500 dogs and puppies after inspectors documented 190 AWA violations. To date the agency has not levied any penalties on this puppy mill. Goldie, a golden retriever, and many other dogs suffered and died of starvation and neglect as USDA inspectors stood idly by. Congress must pass HR 6100, Goldie’s Act, to ensure that the USDA honors its responsibility to these vulnerable animals.
Goldie’s Act will ensure that the USDA does its job to prevent the suffering and death of dogs trapped in the commercial breeding industry. Please urge your congressional representative to co-sponsor and pass Goldie’s Act.
Judith Hurley
San Jose
Source: www.mercurynews.com