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NEW YORK – A transgender inmate at Rikers Island in New York City has been sentenced to seven years in prison after the person raped a female inmate in the bathroom, according to a report.
Ramel Blount, 33, also known as Diamond Blount, reportedly approached a female inmate from behind on February 8, 2021. The victim-inmate just finished showering in the jail’s Rose M. Singer facility.
According to Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, the transgender inmate pushed the woman down by the neck and raped her.
Once the female inmate reported the crime, a rape kit was administered. Hence, evidence matched Blount’s DNA in the New York State Registry, the Post Millennial reported.
Blount pleaded guilty to Attempted Rape in the first degree on April 7, 2022. The transgender inmate was sentenced on Monday to seven years in prison, which will be followed by eight years of post-release supervision, and will be required to register as a sex offender, according to the news outlet.
Clark noted, “Sexual violence against anyone is unacceptable. The defendant has been sentenced to seven years in prison for the terrible attack.”
Earlier this month, two female inmates serving time at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility in Union Township, New Jersey became pregnant after they had sex with a transgender inmate, Law Officer reported.
It appears the women became pregnant from “consensual sexual relationships with another incarcerated person,” Dan Sperrazza, the DOC’s external affairs executive director, said. Nevertheless, an investigation was reportedly launched.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark) introduced a bill earlier this year that would protect female prisoners from biological male prisoners being housed in the same facility.
“Documented cases prove that placing men—including ones who ‘identify’ as female—into women’s prisons puts female inmates at increased risk of sexual assault,” Cotton said. “My bill will stop the president’s ill-conceived plan and keep men and women separated in federal prison.”
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Source: www.lawofficer.com