CNN  — 

Harry Styles’ new album is titled “Harry’s House,” so it makes sense that he would be the latest Better Homes & Gardens cover star.

The singer, who just wrapped up headlining Coachella, talked to the publication about what home means to him. He also talked about his latest musical project, which he said is his “most intimate.”

“Finally, it doesn’t feel like my life is over if this album isn’t a commercial success,” Styles said. “I just want to make stuff that is right, that is fun, in terms of the process, that I can be proud of for a long time, that my friends can be proud of, that my family can be proud of, that my kids will be proud of one day.”

The album came about as a result of the former One Direction member’s creativity during the many months at home during the pandemic.

“I think everyone went through a big moment of self-reflection, a lot of navel-gazing, and I don’t know if there’s anything more navel-gazing than making an album,” Styles said.

The June 2022 issue with Styles on the cover is available for preorder and hits the stands on May 12.
