Another day, another tease. Ram is clearly enjoying the super-slow reveal of its upcoming electric pickup truck, but at least this time they’ve included a date. Sort of; it’s actually a season, not a specific date. We assume the exacting timing will be clarified in the coming months, but in a tweet today, Ram says we should expect the teasing to end and the actual electric pickup to debut in the fall of 2022.

We also get a new and predictably dark view of the truck, this time a straight-on shot of the EV hauler’s face. As before, the highlights are all lit up, which we are currently assuming means they are the actual lighting elements. The R-A-M lettering in the middle of the grille is similarly radiant, which again makes us think it will be that way for the production version. We don’t yet know its official name.

We’ve been told the truck will go into production in 2024, that it will use the STLA Frame EV platform with a battery capacity up to 101-118 kWh and a range of up to 500 miles. That means prospective buyers will have quite a wait ahead of them even after it makes its official debut. By that time, the Ford Lightning should be a fairly common sight on America’s roadways, the Hummer EV will have been on sale for a couple of years and the Chevy Silverado EV will similarly be ready to make its appearance. Ram is also promising to have a range-extended electric truck to show off, but we don’t yet know if that will make its online debut this fall alongside the full EV.

Lastly, we’re not entirely sure what “thunder” Ram is stealing with its teaser and date announcement today. It could be a little shade thrown in the direction of the electrified Corvette, which was also announced today, or it could just be a play on words since Ford’s truck is called the F-150 Lightning. We suppose it doesn’t much matter, though. Thunder, shade, rain or snow, we’re just happy to see the electrified truck game continue to intensify.

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