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Progress Pride flag
first step for Antioch
Re. “Progress Pride flag will be flown at City Hall for the rest of the year,” Page B1, April 14:
First, it pleases me to see Antioch’s City Council agree to hang the Progress Pride flag. As someone originally from Antioch, the visible and tangible nod of solidarity for the year is only the first step. I hope this sentiment will bring change to show continued acceptance for our LGBTQ+ community.
Regarding Vice Mayor Mike Barbanica’s and Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock’s points, solidarity and support should not be performative. The idea of flying the Pride flag only during Pride month, instead of in response to current events, shows how people in our East Bay community still have a lack of genuine commitment and understanding to the disparities faced by the LGBTQ+ population, especially as anti-transgender laws are being voted on, with some passed, in other states. Thus, it is imperative that we all show continuous support for the LGBTQ+ community, especially to those who are BIPOC and transgender who face greater rates of violence and suicidality.
Jacob Virtusio
San Francisco
Nurturing environment
can cut down abuse
Why would a mom of four, in pursuit of her career as a professor of public health, be on a board of directors? I wanted a chance to support CALICO, the Alameda County Child Advocacy Center.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. While CALICO helps abused children, I wondered how parents could prevent abuse. How do we protect kids from events that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric disorders, physical health impacts, affected personal relationships and more?
Protective factors include nurturing safe relationships with our children; strong social networks; and resiliently coping with stress.
Yikes – that last one. Reading daily about the world my kids face has given parenthood a high baseline level of anxiety: Ukraine, the pandemic, the unfolding climate catastrophe and more.
I discounted the effect of my stress on my kids. If I improve my coping skills, I am making them safer and more resilient and protecting them from potential abuse.
Kelsi Perttula
Adding airport gates
adds to emissions
In ”Most still support high-speed rail project” (Page B1, April 15) John Woolfolk notes that 56% have answered yes, they want the project to continue.
Someone should tell this to Oakland International Airport, which plans expansion to add 17 more gates. High-speed rail will service four of the 10 top Oakland airport departure destinations with far less increase in greenhouse gas emissions and frontline air and noise pollution.
Lin Griffith
No new taxes without
guarantees on spending
The East Bay Times editorial endorsed Livermore school district Measure A parcel tax (“OK Livermore school tax in May 3 election,” Page A6, April 14).
Unfortunately, the editor is making the same mistake that gullible supporters make when they support a tax for a good purpose that contains poor accountability. Taxes with poor accountability can and will be diverted to bad purposes. This Measure A ballot question repeated some of the same misleading statements that the Alameda County grand jury denounced. The grand jury report explained that calling a new tax merely an “extended tax” is misleading.
Furthermore, the proponents for this parcel tax argue that teachers will be hired with the money. When voters want teachers, the ballot measure should state how many teachers and the cost of the teachers. The voters must be certain of what they will receive.
Marcus Crawley
Source: www.mercurynews.com