SACRAMENTO — In an angry outburst during a hearing on a COVID misinformation bill, Assemblyman Marc Berman dropped the F-bomb in demanding that public speakers follow the rules.
Berman cursed after a speaker went over his allotted time during a discussion Tuesday of AB 2098, a bill that aims to censor medical professionals by punishing those who make statements “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus.”
During the Assembly Business and Professions Committee’s hearing, committee chairman Berman appears upset at some speakers who testified against the bill, authored by Assemblymember Evan Low of Campbell. Among other things, the bill would deem doctors’ spread of COVID-19 misinformation as unprofessional conduct.
The rules asked public speakers to state only their names, affiliation and support or opposition to the bill, but some added remarks at the end.
That’s when things started to get heated.
One man — who was wearing a T-shirt that read “good luck with your vaccines” — went up to the microphone to tell the committee that “anyone who supports this bill will be held accountable under Nuremberg Code,” warning that “we are watching very closely.”
Berman then raised his voice and yelled “Hey, check it out! I need everybody to follow the f—– rules! Give your name, and the organization you’re with and your position on the bill!”
“Hey! Check it out! I need everybody to follow the f***ing rules!” yells @AsmMarcBerman at the Assembly Business & Professions Committee hearing.
He was upset after a handful of witnesses opposing #AB2098 said a few extra words at the end of their testimony. pic.twitter.com/6FjNoCD5mf
— Jonathan Zachreson (@JZachreson) April 19, 2022
After Berman’s outburst, people following the discussion online took to Twitter to give their thoughts. One woman whose username is @libertylyds called the episode “unacceptable and inappropriate,” while another user @Jen Revere remarked on the irony of the stern language, saying Berman was “demonstrating the concept of ‘unprofessional conduct.’ ”
After testimony was finished for the day, Berman apologized for cursing earlier in the hearing, adding “I should not have done that.”
In response to a call requesting comment, Berman texted that it must be “a slow news day” and added: “I don’t have anything additional to add to the apology I made during the hearing.”
The bill was ultimately passed out of committee on a 12-5 vote. Berman is running to keep his Assembly seat in this year’s election, going head to head against Republican small business owner Tim Dec.
Source: www.mercurynews.com