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PITTSBURGH – An obtrusive BLM agitator got punched in the face during a Saturday protest in a Pittsburgh borough after she laid her hands on an officer in an attempt to hinder an arrest.
BLM activists blocked streets in the city, protesting the death of Jim Rogers, 54, who died after officers deployed a Taser on the man who was suspected of a bike theft last year, according to WTAE.
The defiant crowd remained in place even after Wilkinsburg police officers told them to move off the roadway.
During the confrontation, one BLM agitator began yelling at the sergeant as he stepped out of his vehicle and directed the mob to get off the street, the Post Millennial reported.
The cinematic photo of #BLM protester Vuestro Merced getting punched by a Wilkinsburg officer after trying to stop an arrest has gone viral. Merced was quickly released from jail & people are using the incident to fundraise cash for the militant activist. pic.twitter.com/hY1jqSC8yS
— Andy Ngô
(@MrAndyNgo) April 17, 2022
“It is our right,” the protester shouted in response to requests for the group to vacate the roadway.
One protester is heard shouting, “Cops’ lives don’t matter here,” before the group began chanting the phrase repeated ad nauseam during activist movements, “No justice, No peace, F*** these racist a** police.”
Not lost is the fact that black police officers are being called “racist a** police” by the group of agitators.
During the rebellion, an officer began to attempt to arrest one protester, which is when a suspect identified as Vuestro Merced stepped between the two, pushing the officer away, according to the Post Millennial.
During BLM’s non-compliance, Merced continues to physically interfere and impede the officer, who eventually lands a blow and drops the suspect to the ground.
Officers take Merced and the other female protester into custody.
According to WTAE, the two that were arrested have been released.
I get major Chris Rock & Will Smith Oscar vibes from this viral photo. (Context: Pittsburgh #BLM protesters yesterday threatened & put their hands on black cops to prevent them from carrying out duties & arrests). https://t.co/wFMx8iVmAe
— Andy Ngô
(@MrAndyNgo) April 17, 2022
Officials said five Pittsburgh police officers will be fired after an internal investigation of Rogers death while three will retain their jobs, WTAE reported.
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Source: www.lawofficer.com