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Former Las Vegas police lieutenant Randy Sutton said there is a connection between the New York City subway shooting and the “defund the police” movement Tuesday on “Your World.”

RANDY SUTTON: … [T]his is an individual [for whom] this was a premeditated attack. Somebody doesn’t just walk around with gas canisters and a gas mask. So this was clearly planned out. Now … there’s been a denial by the governor in New York that this was a terrorist incident. I don’t know how she could say that with any sense of confidence, especially in the light of the lack of knowledge here. So … and Eric Adams said that they’re … holding back on whether they’re going to term it a terrorist incident or not. But it certainly shows the vulnerability of the subway system. And it’s my understanding from a report that I read that … one of the ways that they could have identified this individual is through … video surveillance. And now I’ve been informed that the surveillance camera at this platform was not functional. 

Where was the police presence … on the subway? Where [were] the patrol officers? Is one of the reasons that the subway system [has] become much more dangerous because of the lack of law enforcement officers … in the subways because of the “defund the police” movement, because of the … issues that have taken place in the anti-law enforcement world. 

