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Crockett will update
assessors office

With respect to the editorial published April 1st to re-elect Larry Stone as county assessor (“Re-elect Stone as Santa Clara County assessor,” Page A6), Stone’s “experience” is holding the office back with inefficient and outdated record-keeping and maintenance. The county needs change now, not in four years. This year, Andrew Crockett is the voters’ best choice on June 7.

A data and technology refresh is critical to ensure properties receive fair and timely valuations. While Stone has a long track record, as one would expect at the end of a career, it’s no longer the right experience needed. He is neither technically competent, able to recognize the issue, nor motivated to improve. Thank him for his service and move forward.

Crockett is the well-qualified replacement with the competence to serve and the energy to tackle the much-needed task of getting this office up to speed. This year voters can elect Crockett to get new leadership into the assessor’s office.

Angelo Encarnacion
San Jose

We bear responsibility
if we don’t act on Ukraine

Imagine across the street from you someone is abusing a person, molesting a child and doing physical harm. Furthermore, you have the ability to stop them, apprehend them and particularly prevent them from doing harm again. Now that you are an observer with the ability to successfully intervene, like it or not you are involved. And by not taking part to help the situation you have partial responsibility for the crime and future crimes committed by this attacker.

This is happening as we watch Ukraine. We are involved, we are becoming responsible and we have the ability to quickly stop this war. Of course, the crimes are worse and more plentiful than stated here. And, the victim is crying out for help.

Walter Gil
San Jose

Plant-based diets
do a world of good

Re. “It’s time for Californians to talk about the cow in the room,” Page A6, March 31:

While eating less meat is good for reducing water use and greenhouse gas emissions, it is also better for almost everything.

Reducing meat consumption is also heart-healthy and cancer-reducing. It takes 1,800 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. For me, that is showers for 6 months. For vegetables, it is more like 39 gallons to the pound of product. If people had to make the choice between showers for a year or 4 big steaks, we would all be better off – on many fronts.

Changing one’s diet does not happen overnight, but if we want a heart-healthy, planet-friendly, water-happy future with less cancer, we had better get started on changing to a plant-based diet.

David Coale
Palo Alto

It’s the month to take
stock of alcohol use

April marks Alcohol Awareness Month, a time for adults to reflect on their alcohol consumption. According to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, adults who drink alcohol should limit intake to 2 drinks or less a day for men and 1 drink or less a day for women.

The Distilled Spirits Council has created, a website that includes a drink calculator to help consumers count the number of standard drinks in their beverage and other resources on responsible and moderate alcohol consumption.

For many adults, being able to enjoy a cocktail and reconnect with family members and friends over the past year has been a source of great joy. While the overwhelming majority of adults who choose to drink do so responsibly, there are some people who shouldn’t drink, and it’s important for individuals to talk to their physicians if they have questions about alcohol consumption.

Amanda Berger
Vice president, Science and Health, Distilled Spirits Council
Washington, D.C.

Carbon pricing would
loose battery innovation

The business article in the April 4 Mercury News emphasizes the importance of lithium in our future (“U.S. seeks new lithium sources as demand for batteries grows,” Page C7). Lithium-ion batteries are needed for electric vehicles and for storing electricity from rapidly growing sources of renewable energy. As a result, the Chinese are hoarding sources of lithium all over the world.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act set aside $6 billion to expand the capabilities of U.S.-based battery research. New battery chemistries like sodium-ion batteries are being developed to provide a lower-cost alternative to lithium-ion batteries.

Technology breakthroughs are essential for significantly addressing climate change. Research funding is important, but market forces are even more important in reducing carbon emissions. We need to put a price on carbon. Then market forces will produce the breakthroughs that eliminate carbon emissions. Please urge President Biden and your members of Congress to include carbon pricing in the reconciliation bill.

Robert Hogue
Menlo Park
