Bill Maher ruffled the feathers of progressives in the most recent episode of his HBO talk show. Maher also exposed “liberal hypocrisy” in the reaction to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars.
“Bill Maher” was a trending topic on Twitter on Saturday morning as people reacted to statements he made about Jada Pinkett Smith in the wake of Will Smith assaulting Chris Rock at the Academy Awards last Sunday. Many of the online comments regarding the trending topic were from progressives who were angered by Maher’s stance.
To start the opening monologue of this week’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the liberal TV host told the audience, “Thank you all for coming and putting on a brave face. To Will Smith: Stay strong and I got your back.”
Maher then waited and said, “April Fools. You’re a d***.”
“I’m not here to humiliate Will Smith. He gets enough of that at home,” Maher joked.
“Every single person in America was talking about the sucker punch heard ’round the world,” Maher noted before he quipped, “That whole ‘Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth’ didn’t really work out.”
He jested, “Who would have thought the movie coming out of the Oscars with all the buzz was G.I. Jane.”
Maher pointed out that someone comparing your wife to Demi Moore “looking her hottest is not exactly the worst insult I’ve ever heard in the world.”
“I mean, Alopecia, it’s not leukemia, okay,” Maher stated. “Alopecia is when your hair falls out. Appalachia is when your teeth fall out.”
“And you know, just put on a f***ing wig like everybody else at the Oscars if it bothers you so much,” he advised the celebrity actress.
Maher noted that Will Smith was initially laughing at Rock’s joke until his “wife starting giving him the stinkeye,” then adds, “I blame toxic femininity.”
“The Academy says from now on they may ban Will Smith from ever coming back to the Oscars, and my question: ‘And what’s the punishment?'”
Later in the show during the panel discussion, Maher claimed that progressives applauding Smith for attacking someone over words exposed “liberal hypocrisy.”
“It exposed, I thought, a lot of aspects of this society we have which are not terribly positive — toxic masculinity, victim culture. Liberal hypocrisy, I think, was the big loser,” the HBO host declared,
“These are the very people who are always talking about micro-aggressions in the workplace and how you should be, you know, not have to face an uncomfortable moment or, you know, people shouldn’t touch you or unwanted leave. Suddenly, they were okay with this,” Maher ranted. “It just seemed to show, to me, broken morals. Like, you really have no principles.”
“When it’s a star that you like in the service of some vague principle into intersectionality like your wife shouldn’t be insulted even in a mild way, then it’s like, ‘Well, too bad. That’s what I like. It made me feel good. So I forget my principles.”
Maher also said, “What do we make of what’s going on with violence and the word violence? Because it’s a common word among the woke. They seem to have broadened the definition, silence is violence and words can be violence, but then actual violence? Not a big deal. It’s like, ‘Violence is not an answer, except when I f***ing feel like it, and then it’s a great answer.'”
“It was a bad night for liberal hypocrisy,” Maher added.
Maher hypothesized that Hollywood and the Oscars have become a “representation” of the Democratic Party because neither are “connected to everyday people.”
Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang was a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” and said voters in Iowa and Ohio would “recoil” when he told them he was running as a Democrat. Yang said the Americans associated the Democratic Party with “this kind of insincere moralizing that condescends to them,” Fox News reported.
“And I think when you describe what happened the Oscars as exposing how some rules seem to apply more to some bigger than others, I think that’s part of the frustration, you know, from the folks that were reacting to me when I was on the trail,” Yang said.
(WARNING: Expletive language)
Monologue: Toxic Femininity | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) www.youtube.com