It would seem that the Democrats and liberal gun-control groups have a bit of a problem on their hands. On one hand, they portray a strong stance for minorities, and on the other, they stand against gun rights. However, as it turns out, one of their most protected groups in the cultural lexicon, African American women, also make up the largest rise in gun ownership. This poses an interesting dilemma.

African American Women Represent Largest Rise in Gun Ownership

While many Democrats purport to fight for minority groups, their actions often reflect the opposite. As we recently reported, Democrat-run cities are surging in violent crime. Many reports show that this typically has a negative effect on the African American community. For this reason, many are becoming first-time gun owners.

However, the statistics paint a difficult picture for Democrats to overcome. According to a report from the NSSF, over 33 percent of first-time buyers were women. Likewise, 44 percent of retailers saw an increase in African Americans purchasing firearms. In another report from 2020, African American men and women presented the highest firearm sale increase, up 58%.

Although the rise covers both men and women, according to the National African American Gun Association, women outnumber men. By a long shot.

According to the NAAGA website, “In 2012, the Pew Research Center conducted a national survey and found that only 29% of African-American households viewed guns as positive. In 2015, that same survey showed a dramatic jump to 59% where now a majority of African-American families see guns as not only a positive thing but, in many cases, a necessity.”

They go on to say, “Single Black women are now one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in the African-American community who are purchasing guns for protection.”

Thomas Cunningham, who opened a NAAGA chapter in Columbus, told NBC 4 Columbus that “of the 2,500 African Americans who came through classes last year, only five were men.”

He went on to tell the news outlet, “Right now, gun ownership in our community has risen, probably quadruple the numbers, because of all the unfortunate events.”

Round Table

NBC 4 Columbus recently hosted a round table on the topic of gun ownership, with four African American women. The women make up multiple walks of life, with one in the legal community, a nurse, an entrepreneur, and founding principal of a school.

When asked why they are members of a gun club, two answered and their answers mirrored the pro-gun argument succinctly.

Rosalind Phipps-Jones, 42, answered, “Me being an entrepreneur, I wanted to protect myself. [So,] I chose to go and get a gun because I’m out late at night. I wanted to protect myself so that I don’t live in fear, I’m living in awareness.”

However, Alexis Wymer, 34, sides with safety, “I lost a cousin to improper handling of a firearm, and he was a teenager. I lost a high school friend due to the same thing. And it’s just something that continues to happen in the Black community.”

She finished with, “Be properly informed if you’re going to make the decision to own a firearm. Understand the regulations surrounding owning a firearm and handling a firearm.”

Ohio Approves Permitless Carry Bill

The conversation follows on the heels of the new Ohio legislation, eliminating the concealed carry permit requirement.

According to another report from NBC 4, “Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law Monday a bill that would eliminate a concealed carry permit requirement for Ohioans 21 and over who are legally eligible to own and carry a firearm in the state, according to a news release from DeWine’s office. With the governor’s signature, the law will take effect in 90 days.”

When asked about the legislation, there were mixed feelings. However, Alexis channeled the “armed society is a polite society” adage very well:

“The more free people are to conceal carry, the higher possibility of a pause…to think: This person could be carrying. I don’t know what this person’s mental state is. Do I want to provoke this person in any kind of confrontational manner? That creates the opportunity for people to take a few steps back and do a mental check.”

Whatever the case, midterms are coming up and Democrats keep demonstrating how tone-deaf they are. Their cities are becoming crime-ridden hellscapes and they insist on taking firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

Although statistically, the African American community dominantly votes Democrat, actions like this could cost them dearly in the midterms.
