The MLB offseason is nearly complete and virtually all of the major free agents have found new seats after baseball’s annual round of musical chairs. Every hot stove question you had about your team has been answered.

Unfortunately, for some, that answer did not arrive in the form of a new player, one who addressed a blindingly obvious roster gap or personnel need, but in the form of an absence of action. That’s how it goes sometimes.

Should you be mad? Should you take out your ire by your own demonstration of non-action, namely refusing to buy tickets or tune into your local baseball stream? Well, maybe, but that’s not what we’re going to preach today.

Every team has some sort of lingering question about what it has done since the Braves capped off their title run last fall. Including, and perhaps especially, the Braves.

We’re going to answer some of those questions but with a small twist: We’re going to spin things positive from each team’s perspective, even when that spin requires some real public relations gymnastics. Hey, it’s almost Opening Day, so if you can’t accentuate the positive now, when can you?
