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This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” March 25, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Happy Friday.
In retrospect, Joe Biden’s first-term policy agenda seems very optimistic, almost comically optimistic. Shortly before his inauguration, Biden announced something he called the Build Back Better agenda. Of course, we mocked it at the time, but looking back, it was in some ways a hopeful document.
America must have been a very rich country back then. And by “back then” we mean last year. There weren’t a lot of essentials in Biden’s agenda. The first three things that any normal nation needs and thinks about obsessively are food, water and energy. That’s the standard.
In China, for example, every government policy, foreign and domestic, is designed above all to secure adequate reserves of food, water, and energy and that makes sense.
The Build Back Better agenda was the opposite of that. It did not suggest any concern at all about whether Americans might have enough to eat or could afford enough heating fuel to keep from freezing to death over the winter. Biden’s agenda was focused on the kind of added extras you get to when you fixed everything else and then still have trillions left over.
Build Back Better promised us something called “environmental equity,” whatever that is. It demanded amnesty for millions of illegal aliens because, at the time, the American economy seemed robust enough to share with the entire world. Universal healthcare for Honduras.
Biden called for free solar panels for everybody and taxpayer funded pre-K for all American parents and so on and on. Build Back Better was the neoliberal version of flying cars. It was a dreamy Christmas list of luxuries that, for a moment in time, seemed almost within reach.
A lot has changed. Nobody is talking about flying cars anymore. Here is Joe Biden from yesterday:
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: With regard to food shortage, yes, we did — we still talk about food shortages and it’s going to be real.
The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well and because both Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat, for example, just to give you one example.
CARLSON: Food shortages, Biden said, quote, “They’re going to be real.” Once again, in case you missed it, to repeat: food shortages — not in Sudan — in Cincinnati, Reno, Spokane, and Norfolk and of course, in our big cities too where not a single person who was born here has any idea what a food shortage is. Our problem has always been having too much food. Now we won’t have enough.
We know that because the president of the United States just told us that on camera. So, what is this going to mean? How do food shortages affect the country?
Well, if you’re interested, go online and read about it. All of recorded history will answer your question. A food shortage is not like deciding to skip dessert. It’s not a diet. It’s not voluntary.
A food shortage is different. It’s scary.
Food shortages topple governments. They turn moderates into revolutionaries. A food shortage is a big deal. You don’t want one, but now we’re getting one, just a little over a year into Joe Biden’s presidency.
Think forward. If the traditional calendar holds, we’ve got 1,032 days left of the Joe Biden administration, and you wonder what things will look like by then. We’re already speeding toward dystopia, not the White House seems aware of it or to care in any way.
Here’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen from this morning, for example, letting you know it’s time to stop whining about gas prices because actually, they’re not very high.
ANDREW ROSS SORKIN, CNBC NEWS HOST: How high do you think oil prices can get at the pump?
JANET YELLEN, U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: Listen, there is a lot of uncertainty about it. They’re not as high in real terms as they were earlier — earlier in the century and the — you know, it’s conceivable that they could move higher.
CARLSON: Yes, it’s not a big deal. Settle down and there’s a reason for it. As Joe Biden explained, you’re paying more for gas because we have slapped sanctions on Russia and sanctioning Russia is the right thing to do. So, shut up and feel virtuous as you slowly go broke.
Now, for some people, particularly those who don’t drive cars, this might seem like an adequate answer, but others in good faith may ask, “Okay, I’m not against sanctions in theory, but since they’re clearly not hurting Putin and they clearly are now hurting my family, what is the point of sanctions? Is there a point? Let me know. Make me feel better.”
The answer is, “Yes, America. There’s a point to sanctions. Sanctions are designed to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine.” We know that because not so long ago, Tony Blinken, the Secretary of State, told CNN that, quote: “The purpose of the sanctions in the first instance is to try to deter Russia from going to war,” and then Jen Psaki, the President’s publicist, backed him up. Quote: “Our intention is to have a deterrent effect with sanctions.”
Kamala Harris agreed. The difference, she said, “The deterrence effect of these sanctions is still a meaningful one.” So, sanctions work, except they didn’t actually work. Putin invaded Ukraine anyway. The sanctions failed.
So, what’s the response? Admit they failed, try something new? No. Joe Biden is pretending that the administration never claimed sanctions would deter Russia from invading Ukraine. Here’s the new line.
BIDEN: Let’s get something straight. Do you remember, if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter. You keep talking about that.
Sanctions never deter. The maintenance of sanctions — the maintenance of sanctions, the increasing the pain and the demonstration, why I asked for this NATO meeting today is to be sure that after a month, we will sustain what we’re doing not just next month, the following month, but for the remainder of this entire year. That’s what will stop him.
CARLSON: What does that even mean? “Sanctions never deter. Why do you keep saying that?” He said. Well, because you kept saying that. Your White House Press Secretary, your Vice President, your Secretary of State all said that verbatim, but they’re not acknowledging that hoping that our memories have been so damaged by the iPhone, we’ll be as forgetful as Joe Biden himself.
Now they want us to believe that sanctioning Russia can force Putin into withdrawing from Ukraine. Is that true? Can Putin be sanctioned into retreat? Well, we certainly hope it’s true, sincerely, but there’s no evidence that it is true. There’s not even really an expectation that it’s true.
Even Joe Biden didn’t claim that was going to happen. So, what is the point? We’re not sure. That’s a topic for another show, but in the meantime, this country, we know this for sure, is being badly hurt by those sanctions. As Reuters recently reported, quote: “Western sanctions on Russia, a major exporter of potash, ammonia, urea, and other soil nutrients, have disrupted shipments of those key inputs around the globe. Fertilizer is key to keeping corn, soy, rice, and wheat yields high. Growers are scrambling to adjust.”
Are you following this? Those ingredients are necessary to put food on your table, at a price you can afford. If you don’t have those ingredients, what do you get? Food shortages, which are a direct result of policy from the White House, a policy whose intended effect is still not clear.
What is the point of this? If there’s a good point, people will put up with it. Why don’t you tell us what that point is?
Fertilizer bills are expected to jump around 15 percent just this year, and they could go higher. Some farmers say they are already seeing fertilizer prices go much higher than that. Watch.
MILLS HAYES, FOX MULTIMEDIA REPORTER (voice over): Mike Gunderson’s family has been farming wheat, soybeans and corn on this land since the 1950. He expects the weather to throw him a curveball in farming, but not a war.
MIKE GUNDERSON, FARMER: All the stuff in Ukraine and there’s so much volatility in the market.
HAYES (voice over): The U.S. imports $10.3 billion worth of fertilizer for crops. $1.3 billion of that comes from Russia, which is now off the market. The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers says farmers lay down fertilizer at least twice a year.
CHARLIE VOGEL, MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS: There’s a lot of fertilizers that are four and five x more expensive than they were a year ago. Fertilizer has drastically outpaced the rate of inflation.
HAYES (voice over): Russia’s ban on fertilizer is scheduled to last until the end of the year, and while supply is already tight this year, it’s the future many are worried about.
CARLSON: So, sanctions have thrown American agriculture into profound turmoil and will cause again, as the President has told us out loud, food shortages, which are maybe the most destabilizing trend you could ever have in a country — not just to the politics, but to the social fabric. It’s scary.
But it’s not just sanctions. There are a lot of reasons. It’s not just the war in Ukraine. In response to energy and food shortages, the Biden administration is shutting down domestic oil and gas production. That makes food more expensive. It makes everything else more expensive.
And as the pressure on American farmers rises and as food becomes scarcer and more expensive in this country, that same administration is allowing the government of China to buy up this country’s farmland.
According to POLITICO, and this was two years ago, Chinese investors own nearly 200,000 acres of U.S. Ag land, valued at least two billion. Now they’re doing this, in part, with the help of subsidies paid for by U.S. taxpayers, and Chinese investors are continuing to buy more every single year.
Again, food, water, energy. That’s what you need for a country. The Chinese understand that.
As Congressman Dan Newhouse put it, quote: “The current trend in the United States is leading us toward the creation of a Chinese-owned agricultural land monopoly.” In our country, the most productive farmland in the world now owned by what we used to call our main global rival and I think we can now say with a realignment in progress is our main global enemy, owned by a country that seeks to displace us and punish us. It’s insane.
Would the Chinese government permit American investors to buy its country’s farmland or water resources? That’s not even a real question. Of course, not. No sane country would do that, and no foreign entity should be allowed to control America’s critical natural resources.
So, how long until the Chinese start scooping up the Great Lakes, which are our largest reservoirs of fresh water? Food, water, energy. Don’t laugh. That’s where we’re headed, and it could happen much sooner than anyone seems to realize.
Fishing companies are paying such high costs, they’re running out of business. Here’s another Fox multimedia report.
JOY ADDISON, FOX MULTIMEDIA REPORTER (voice over): Gas prices are jacking up the cost of boat rentals and charters, leaving captains like Cody Kenney with two choices — cancel charters that are not profitable or increase ticket prices. The increases are not just hitting the tourism industry.
NELLO CASSARINO, GALVESTON SHRIMP COMPANY, INC.: From our boats that go out fishing, to our trucks that deliver the product, everything that we use to run our business, we see at least a 35 percent increase.
ADDISON: Nello Cassarino runs Galveston Shrimp Company. He says passing those prices on to the consumer is not a reliable option.
CASSARINO: Because the consumer, at some point, will stop buying it. It turns into a ripple effect where the plants have to lay off employees, you know, truck stop moving.
CARLSON: All part of our food supply now imperiled through a remarkable combination of negligence and terrible decision-making, not just by this administration, by previous administrations, but brought to the point of crisis by Joe Biden and, by the way, it’s not just a question of what it costs to fuel a commercial fishing fleet. The oceans themselves are being depleted of fish, entire species by the Chinese government.
You hear a lot about the environment and saving the planet, by which they mean don’t drive an SUV. But the actual planet, its actual resources, its oceans, the most important resource the planet has. It’s not about climate. It’s about the oceans and increasingly, they’re polluted and bereft of fish and China is doing that. We’re not and no one saying a word about it.
So, instead of addressing any of these problems, our leaders are responding in the one way they know how. They’re throwing more money at the problem and in the process devaluing the U.S. dollar that we’re going to desperately need to stay solvent.
California Governor Gavin Newsom, for example, just announced he’s about to give his residents another free credit card.
GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): So today we’re announcing a $9 billion tax refund to tens of millions of Californians. $400.00 for each registered vehicle that an individual owns up to two vehicles.
That direct relief will address the issue that we all are struggling to address and that’s the issue of gas prices.
CARLSON: So if the hands and the hair and the teeth distracted you and you didn’t actually hear anything that Governor Newsom said, what he is saying is, tax prices are really high. So we’re going to give you a tax refund, whether or not you pay taxes, it is welfare and that’s going to solve the problem.
What he doesn’t say is the California has the highest gas prices in America, because it says the highest gas taxes in America, it is seven bucks a gallon in Los Angeles, seven bucks. He did that.
But instead of fixing it, he is making you more dependent, and this is a trend. For the second time in two years, politicians are sending out welfare checks to compensate for economic crises that they caused.
So if you wanted to increase inflation, if you wanted to make the population weak and dependent upon you, this is what you’d probably do.
Free bread, next.
Andrew Gruel is one of Gavin Newsom constituents in the State of California. He has seen all of these problems right up in front of his face. He’s a restaurant owner in the city of Los Angeles. We’re happy to have him join us tonight. Andrew, thanks so much for coming on.
So the President announces food shortages, as a restaurant owner, what is your response to that?
ANDREW GRUEL, RESTAURANT OWNER: I’ve been talking about this now for years actually. Let’s zoom out a little bit. You know, we can look at it right now specific to the crisis in Ukraine, but we’ve got to get out before that because here is the situation.
We’ve had this supply chain crisis, we’ve seen empty shelves then. We had, you know issues within the labor pool, we saw empty shelves. Every single time we posted those photos, we were told, no, no, you’re just — you know kind of cherry picking photos to show.
Now, the President has added credibility to this and said: Yes, we’re going to face a food shortage.
But what’s the real problem here, okay? And it isn’t specific to this administration, this has been going on for decades, we’ve completely outsourced all of our food production. And we’ve left ourselves vulnerable to situations just like this. And I understand the economic theory of comparative advantage and how, yes, when we buy the food from overseas, but that assumes that everybody is kind of Khumbaya with each other and that is not the situation right now.
GRUEL: You know, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, and obviously, now food, all of those things we rely on, and I’m so glad that you brought up the ocean piece of this because one of the largest trade deficits behind oil and automobiles is seafood.
GRUEL: We import all of our seafood from overseas, and yet we import it from countries that are completely unsustainable in their practices. Even though here in America, we actually have one of the most sustainable fisheries management policies by virtue of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, but we’re buying farm seafood treated with chemicals from China, from Indonesia, from all of these countries.
And the same thing happens with labor when it comes to food, right? Why are we importing all of our food? Well, we are importing it because we are buying it from countries that don’t follow the paradigm, the framework for our good labor practices. And frankly, we could even be paying our workers more. So we buy it from countries where they actually have slave labor, and then it puts it on our plate cheaper and we are supporting those horrible practices instead of just looking at the United States as an opportunity to domesticate our own supply chain.
CARLSON: So smart. I mean, for so long, a lot of people dismissed what you just said as like a hippie concern and I think it’s really clear now it is a National Security concern.
So, I’m so thankful you articulated this as clearly as you did.
Chef Andrew Gruel of Los Angeles, we appreciate it.
So there is now an American imposed media blackout in Poland, that country shares a border with Ukraine. Journalists are not allowed to ask what exactly is going on there. Thousands of U.S. troops have just been deployed to Poland.
Now officially, the Biden administration said that U.S. troops have no plans to enter Ukraine. But today, Joe Biden found himself in Poland, and as the cameras rolled, he told the U.S. troops that they can expect to be inside Ukraine’s borders soon.
Now, it is not clear if this was a sneak peek of future policy, if it was senility. You know, we don’t know — this guy is the President of the United States. All we can tell you is this is what he said.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The average citizen looking at how they are stepping up. Look at how they are stepping up. And you’re going to see when you’re there and you can see stuff — how many of you have been there? You’re going to see — you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle of — in front of a damn tank, who is just saying “I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground.”
CARLSON: So you’re going to see the Ukrainians fighting the Russians, when you’re there, presumably fighting the Russians, you’re going to see when you’re there. It didn’t seem like a gaffe. Of course, we hope it’s not true. A war with Russia is a very big thing to embark upon. Most Americans support Ukraine, most Americans do not support a Hot War with Russia, with American troops putting their lives on the line.
But because the Biden administration is blocking media coverage in Poland, we actually don’t know what that was, and we probably should find out.
So one of the most effective ways to change the way the people in charge behave is by making fun of them, particularly if you do it skillfully.
Alex Stein is a comedian in Texas. He has figured out how to do this. So he started showing up at City Council meetings and doing things like this. Watch.
ALEX STEIN, COMEDIAN: Will you join Ukraine’s Foreign Legion? We’re going to train you. You don’t even need any training. We’re going to teach you. As a matter of fact, we prefer if you didn’t have training, because you’re not somebody that’s all messed up.
CARLSON: So Alex Stein, the man in that video joins us next.
CARLSON: It wasn’t so long ago that a guy from Dallas, Texas called Alex Stein started showing up at City Council meetings across Texas, but politicians never paid attention to him.
He is a citizen, but they were not that interested. So he decided on a new approach. Alex Stein adopted the alter ego, Primetime Number 99, Alex Stein. He became a lot more valuable, and in the process showed us how unhinged our own leaders have become.
Here for example is Alex Stein at a recent meeting of the Dallas City Council explaining why mandatory vaccinations are essential.
STEIN: We’ve got to mandate vaccines because right now, I am losing housekeepers left and right because listen, every time the service sends a housekeeper to my house, and they test positive for coronavirus, I can’t have them work around my kids. I have two trans-kids in my house, both on puberty blockers and you realize they are vulnerable. They’re immunocompromised. We need more people vaccinated.
CARLSON: They thought that was real, probably a compelling argument actually. Then Stein went to Richardson, Texas and tried to convince the City Council to start World War Three. Watch.
STEIN: I’m a sergeant in Ukrainian foreign Legion, and I’m here today to recruit some of you to go fight in the war and World War Three.
When you join Ukraine’s Foreign Legion. We’re going to train you, you don’t even need any training. We’re going to teach you. As a matter of fact, we prefer if you didn’t have training because you’re not somebody that’s all messed up. We want to teach you your gun skills.
You are a coward and I’m a hero.
This is a hero. You would never know what it’s like to be like this. You will never know what it’s like to be President. You will never know. And you will never fight and you will be on the wrong side of history, and all you have to do is sign up on this form right now and you can go fight.
Thank you.
CARLSON: You can watch a lot of those on YouTube spend an entire afternoon chuckling and learning.
Alex Stein is the host of “the Conspiracy Castle” with Number 99 Alex Stein, we’re happy to have him join us for the first time tonight.
Alex Stein, it is great to meet you. How did you start? How did you start doing this?
STEIN: Tucker, man, it’s such a pleasure. But let me tell you something, because we’re under constant trauma based mind control from the media. So what I did is I said I’m not going to just lay down and let them control my life.
So I said, I’m going to go start talking to these politicians. And I was dead serious at first. And they disregarded me. When I said I didn’t really think the lockdowns were affected, they didn’t pay attention.
So the crazier I got, I realized that’s how you invoke a response. These people are what I call non playable characters in the video game of life. They don’t want to interact with us. When they get elected, they think all of a sudden, we work for them and that is not the case.
So what I’m trying to do is I’m just trying to put a mirror up to the mainstream media and show what the narrative is and how idiotic it is because everything I say, is just regurgitated from Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, and some idiot at CNN. So it’s really actually pretty easy doing what I do, Tucker.
CARLSON: Well, there is a lot to unpack. I want to go back to the first sentence. What is trauma based mind control?
STEIN: Well, it’s actually — it is when you turn on CNN, every single second, you’re going to see a death scroll. They’re going to try to scare you, because that’s how they control you. They want to keep us in what is called fight or flight. They want everybody scared out of their mind so they can’t make a decision.
They don’t only want us to see one inch in front of our face. So we can’t see the big picture because what happens is, we have what is called the mockingbird media.
They admit the C.I.A. has liaisons in every single form of our entertainment from the radio, television, news, and film. So you have a media that will say Hunter Biden’s laptop is fake, yet they have to come out six months later and say, oh, no, that’s real and they are going to give us the crack pipe all day long, yet on that same laptop, there is supposedly child pornography on it.
And these people don’t care. Look at Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is about to be nominated to the Supreme Court. She’s easy on child pornography. Do you think that is an accident, Tucker? None of this is done on accident. It is a purposeful destabilization of the middle class, and that’s what I am. I’m a middle class person trying to save it.
And I’m not here to virtue signal. I’m just saying I’m tired of being tinkled on and the government telling me it’s raining.
CARLSON: Well, I agree with that. And you don’t need to be a meteorologist to know when you’re being tinkled on, I would say.
STEIN: No, you don’t.
CARLSON: So what is the response? You sort of have — as you watch the City Council members a little bit of contempt, because they should know this is — they are being played. But you also feel a little sorry for them because they’re totally overwhelmed. Like, what do they say to you?
STEIN: Well, that’s the thing is when you go to these meetings, Tucker, a lot of times people are nervous at the podium, I see people talking about how Child Protective Services took their kids or their neighbor’s house caught on fire and their house got burned up, and nobody is helping them.
So people are nervous. So what I tried to do is, I try to put the heat on them. I want to make the politicians nervous of what I’m going to do and the reason why is you go out there and all day long, the news is going to tell us about the border between Ukraine and Russia. But I’m in Dallas, Texas, and the border between Texas and Mexico right now is just being flooded with sex trafficking, with Chinese fentanyl that I’ve had friends and family die of.
So the real war is right here in America, yet this Biden administration wants to just confuse us and make us think that it’s a valid excuse to go fight World War Three, yet the military industrial complex just lost a 20- year war in Afghanistan, and now they are chomping at the bit because, Tucker the reason is, is our country is not being run by human beings. It’s being run by multinational corporations that actually want to destabilize America in order to gain a global control and that’s what’s happening.
You look at these companies like Halliburton, you just look at all these companies that are destroying America on purpose, in my opinion, Tucker.
CARLSON: So you’re not going to be on YouTube long, obviously.
STEIN: I know.
CARLSON: So, I would just recommend you to our audience.
STEIN: No, I am not.
CARLSON: No, you’re not. No, you’re not.
STEIN: They are going to kick me off.
CARLSON: Yes, they are. Yes. Yes, they are Alex Stein.
So if you want to catch the art he’s already created, do so now. Thanks for joining us tonight. Alex Stein, good to see you.
STEIN: Thank you, Tucker. You’re a hero. Hey, Tucker one last thing, everybody says I’m baby Tucker. So if you’re willing to submit to a DNA test and prove you’re not my father, I would appreciate that because we’re both good looking. We’re both funny. We might be related. And you’re my hero.
Thank you, Tucker again.
CARLSON: I don’t think I’m old enough, but I appreciate the compliment. Alex Stein, thank you.
So crime is up across the country. The LA Police Department just issued a warning telling you not to wear jewelry in public. It’s your fault. You’re inciting robbery. That’s straight ahead.
CARLSON: Washington State is one of the prettiest places on planet Earth. There are evergreens in the State of Washington that will make you believe in God if you look at them long enough, but Washington State is also sadly becoming a very dangerous place to live.
A police officer in Everett, Washington just north of Seattle was reportedly shot and killed tonight near a community college. Just last week, another Deputy was murdered in Pierce County south of Seattle.
One bakery owner in Seattle said she has had to close her business because there is just too much crime.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The downtown Third Avenue in Seattle has historically been a difficult environment. There was a lot of drug activity, criminal activity.
Criminal activity has really taken over the street, and as we tried to reopen in Seattle, you know, we ended up dealing with people selling drugs, buying drugs, smoking fentanyl in the broad daylight. My employees’ safety are on the line and my customers’ safety is on the line. So I have no choice to shut down the doors to kind of keep everyone safe.
CARLSON: It is falling apart and no one is doing anything. Tiffany Smiley wants to do something — something big. She is running for Senate in the State of Washington. She said crime there is causing humanitarian crisis in Seattle and she has got a plan to fix that. Tiffany Smiley joins us tonight.
Tiffany Smiley, thanks so much for coming on tonight. We appreciate it.
So what can it be?
CARLSON: Oh, well, I mean, someone needs to fix this. It’s such a wonderful place in a lot of ways.
CARLSON: What would you do to fix this?
SMILEY: Well, first and foremost, we have a senator in June 2021 on the Senate floor and called for Federal funding to be cut from our police, so this is on her hands. And I always say I beat the drum wherever I’m talking about Washington State.
Right here in Washington State, it is so much worse than what you read in the paper or see on the news. I toured a K-8 school this summer, Broadview Thompson School in Seattle that had a homeless encampment, which rendered it unable for children to play in that school yard inside the school fence, Tucker.
I was followed. I was taunted. I saw people doing drugs. It’s a real issue.
Not only that, it is not only in Seattle. It is in Bellingham. A hundred and seventy six cars have been stolen in just the first 79 days of this quarter. It’s real. And you know, this is why we have a shot of winning not just for Washington State, but for all of our country because our children’s livelihood is on the line. Not only that, our small businesses are struggling, it has an economic impact as well.
So you know what, you know how you fix it? You fund our police. If our Federal government does anything at all, it is the public safety, protection of the people of America.
CARLSON: Yes. Senators in Washington where I am right now, literally step over unconscious drug addicts to get to work every day. They just totally ignore them. Do you promise if elected to the Senate that you won’t ignore it?
SMILEY: I will not ignore it. Look, I’m a nurse. I understand the hardships and mental health crisis that we’re facing. Not only that, I’m dealing with China’s favorite Senator, Patty Murray. China is pumping fentanyl across our open border right into Washington State.
And just a couple of weeks ago, I was talking with the gentleman. His son’s friend, 4.0 student, basketball player, took one little pill and is dead. That is happening right here in Washington State and Senator Murray is doing nothing about it.
It’s time we had leadership. It’s time that we had real servant leadership who are ready to fight for the future of our children. Their livelihood is on the line.
CARLSON: Man, if you can beat Patty Murray in Washington State, that will be a political revolution and I hope you can.
Tiffany Smiley, thanks so much for joining us tonight.
SMILEY: I know we can. Thank you. There’s a new mom in town, Tucker.
CARLSON: We need one. Thank you.
So in Los Angeles, George Soros-funded a new district attorney called George Gascon and he stopped enforcing laws against theft. What do you think happened then? Well, theft went up. People are stealing everywhere. Thieves walking into jewelry stores and just robbing them.
A few days ago, thieves stole $3 million worth of jewelry from a single shop in Beverly Hills. But instead of stopping these criminals, officials in LA are telling residents, well, just don’t wear jewelry. There’s the Police Chief of LA.
MICHEL MOORE, CHIEF OF THE LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT: There has been a marked increase of armed robberies involving victims wearing expensive jewelry and what we are asking the public to be mindful of is that with these increases, that if they’re going to wear expensive jewelry, or as they are involved in perhaps driving high-end cars, leaving restaurants, taverns, other locations, that they be mindful of their surroundings, that they remain in well-lit areas and that they recognize that there are opportunists that are attempting to take advantage of them, and many times these individuals are armed with a firearm.
CARLSON: Yes. It’s Brazil. John Phillips, the host of “The John Phillips Show.” He joins us tonight. John, thanks so much for coming in. So, how is what we just heard different from a cop saying like there’s a rapist out? Don’t look hot. You know no spandex for you because you might get raped. You might incite him.
He is blaming people for wearing jewelry in public.
JOHN PHILLIPS, HOST OF “THE JOHN PHILLIPS SHOW”: Yes, well, this is their attitude. We have a Soros District Attorney. We have a mayor who called the cops killers and then cut their budget. We have a Board of Supervisors who went to war with our Sheriff, Alex Villanueva and wants to get rid of Men’s Central Jail and the Juvenile Hall, so even if we arrest people, we have no place to put them. Surprise, surprise. LA County looks like the departures gate over at Spirit Airlines.
PHILLIPS: And it’s not just in the traditional high crime areas where all this is going on. It’s happening in Santa Monica. It’s happening on Melrose. It’s happening on La Cienega, it’s happening on Beverly Hills. And specifically, they’re saying they’re going after big ticket items — Rolex watches, luxury cars — and just today on the radio show, I had a listener call in who said that he was robbed at gunpoint in the parking lot of Costco in Marina Del Rey, a very nice part of Los Angeles and the thieves didn’t take anything that said Kirkland on it. They took his very expensive watch, and this is what we live with.
And the cops say, well don’t wear the watch. Well, don’t drive the fancy car. Well, people don’t move to California to look frumpy and be late. They move here to be fashionable and be late.
CARLSON: Great line, also, but whose country is it? You know, the people who pay the taxes or does it belong to homeless drug addicts and robbers? I mean, why are we accommodating them? Shouldn’t the authorities we pay for get them off the street?
PHILLIPS: Oh, no. They look at the criminal as the victim. And if you are the victim of a crime, they want you to check your privilege. They have everything upside down. What is right is wrong. What is wrong is right. But that is what the political establishment hear things from top to bottom, from the mayor, the district attorney, the police chief down to the city council. The whole county needs a change.
CARLSON: Yes, it’s a punishment regime. You’re exactly right. That’s what equity is. They’re hurting you on purpose.
John Phillips, appreciate it. Thank you. Very nicely put.
PHILLIPS: Thank you.
CARLSON: So corporations, obviously, have formed an alliance with lunatics in the Biden administration and are pushing ideology on their customers, but not a lot of alternatives for normal people. If you want to buy products and not support the woke regime, what do you do?
Well, Jeremy Boreing of “The Daily Wire” was so tired of this that he took action when Harry’s Razors cut ties with “The Daily Wire” Boering launched his own razor company. Kind of an inspiring story. We’ll talk to him next.
CARLSON: For years, a company called Harry’s Razors advertised in “The Daily Wire.” Then Harry’s like Gillette in so many other companies in this country went politically insane. Harry’s announced it was cutting advertising with “The Daily Wire” because “The Daily Wire” believes in the concept of biological sex and Harry’s denounced that belief as quote “inexcusable.”
So rather than complain about this, the CEO of “The Daily Wire,” Jeremy Boreing came up with an alternative. He started his own razor company. It’s called Jeremy’s Razors. It is already more popular than Harry’s. We haven’t tried the razor, can’t vouch for the razor. We can’t tell you the launch ad, one of the best ever made. Here’s part of it.
JEREMY BOERING, CEO, “THE DAILY WIRE”: If you’ve had enough of the woke [bleep], and you’re tired of paying companies like Harry’s and Gillette to hate you, you can buy my new razor instead.
Behold Jeremy’s Razors. Yes, they’re real. Yes, they’re fabulous.
CARLSON: Shut up and shave. You should watch the whole thing, it is worth it.
Jeremy Boering is the CEO of “The Daily Wire.” Happy to have him join us now. Jeremy, I just love this whole thing. You decide to start your own razor company. And just to confirm you really have started your own razor company.
BOERING: Yes, I mean, it’s a joke, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. We’ve absolutely started our own razor company. And in our first 72 hours, we’ve sold 30,000 razor kits and razor blade subscriptions.
CARLSON: It is so great. How does — and I just love it because you’re not just complaining, you’re providing an alternative. And I think it’s beautiful. How was Harry’s responded?
BOERING: Well, thank you, that’s it for me. Well, I haven’t heard a direct response from Harry’s other than one of the jandy’s who runs the place mumbled off something about hate speech, but for the most part, they’ve kept their mouth shut.
CARLSON: So I interrupted you. That’s the whole thing for you.
BOERING: If you don’t know the word — yes, if you don’t know the word jandy, it’s a virtue signaling cower and bends their knee to the woke mob. It’s also Jeff and Andy, the co-CEOs of Harry’s razors. Just a little piece of vernacular you may not have picked up on yet.
CARLSON: Oh, it’s so great. I really, really hope this has an effect.
What’s it like running a razor company? You probably didn’t expect to be doing this.
BOERING: Well, this is just it. I mean, the commercial was so important to me. I wanted to make a statement as much as anything because I’m tired of the — well, first, I’m tired of virtue signaling companies like Harry’s assuming that everyday Americans have no economic alternative. So they just insult us any chance they get.
But I’m also tired of this sort of nonprofit mentality on the right that responds to every attack with the same tired sort of cycle of lose, complain and beg for donations. That’s just a recipe for failure.
We have to be constructive. We have to be building a future and I wanted that to be the statement that we made and I thought if we actually sell some razors that would just make the joke that much funnier and boy have we sold razors, like I say 30,000 in the first 72 hours so now, we’re the dog who caught the car, we’re having to learn how to chew through steel, and stand up an actual razor company, which we are doing.
The razors will be delivered before Father’s Day. It’s a great razor. It’s a great shave balm. And I think we’re going to make a great company out of it maybe change the way that conservatives think.
CARLSON: Yes. Can you — and I — you’ve got to be pretty busy right now, since you’re the CEO of the company and of a razor company. But can you imagine other areas where people who are frozen out of this weird religious cult has taken over the left? Could you start new product lines?
BOERING: Well, I think there are so many opportunities out there. Listen, the left is bifurcating the culture, again, because they just assume that we have no alternative, but to give them our money anyway. So my view is we need to bifurcate the economy, we need to make it hurt. Boycotts don’t do it, right? Boycotts are temporary.
CARLSON: That’s right.
BOERING: They are ineffectual because at the end of the day, we still have to buy those products because we need good products. We need good entertainment, we need good news, we need good content. So we keep giving them our money. But we don’t have to if we’re proactive, if we build things, we’ll actually put them in a position once again, where they have to compete for our business. And so by actually tearing things further apart, I think there’s actually a path to bringing things back together in the long run.
CARLSON: Yes and conservatives are supposed to be good at business anyway. Right? I thought. I guess. I think it’s a really inspiring story and we are just wishing you all the best. Jeremy Boering of “The Daily Wire.” Thank you.
BOERING: Thank you. And thanks for having me on.
CARLSON: Oh, gosh, of course.
So everywhere you look, things are getting less attractive. Beauty is de- emphasized or destroyed entirely in favor of something else, something else you don’t want to live around. What’s going on? So we’re really interested in people who are thinking about urban planning, and design and how a society lives and no one has thought more deeply about that than the author James Howard Kunstler, who has written about it for decades, and we sat down with him for an episode of “Tucker Carlson Today” and had a really interesting conversation. Here is part of it.
JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER, AUTHOR: I can actually cut to the chase and tell you exactly why America is so ugly. It took me years to actually figure it out enough to encapsulate it.
CARLSON: Can you tell us why? It is one of the great atrocities that nobody ever mentions.
KUNSTLER: Because it’s — it’s simple.
CARLSON: We have the most beautiful continent on the planet. We’re the best people.
KUNSTLER: And we messed it up.
CARLSON: And we have dollar stores everywhere. So why is that?
KUNSTLER: Because what all of that represents, all of that smearage across the landscape of all this chain store nonsense and other garbage is that it is entropy made visible.
CARLSON: Entropy made visible.
KUNSTLER: Entropy made visible. So we’re living in this sort of immersive entropic living arrangement that makes us feel bad all the time because entropy is that force in Physics and in nature that drives things towards death, and stasis.
And when you imbue your entire built world with that quality, you know, not only are you building something, you’re constructing something which is anti-human, but it’s also something that will never be worthy of your affection.
So, you know, Americans — wealthy Americans spend thousands and thousands of dollars going to Europe and walking around these charming European towns, you know, and loving it. And then they come back to their own towns in Minnesota, and pass laws that make it impossible to build anything that is worth caring about.
You know, they’ll turn Main Street into a six-laner. You know, they’ll destroy all the street trees because they in the way of the wires and they’ll get rid of parallel parking so the cars can all move faster. And then the then what used to be Main Street behaves like an interstate highway.
CARLSON: So design matters, beauty matters more than almost anything. Worth remembering that. Howard Kunstler has never forgotten.
You watch the whole conversation streaming now on FOX Nation. You can sign up for free on tuckercarlson.com.
We’ll be right back.
CARLSON: We are out of time. Spring break for a lot of people, by the way in this country. That may have gotten you into an airport recently and if it has, you may have wondered what’s going on here. Why are so many planes late?
What’s going on at the airport? Don’t we have a Transportation Secretary? Wasn’t he a Rhodes Scholar? Wasn’t he the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana?
What’s going on with our transportation system?
We noticed. We’re doing a segment on it on Monday.
In the meantime, have a great happy and relaxing weekend with the ones you love. We will see you in two days.
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