The lawyer for the mother of one of Hunter Biden’s children expects President Joe Biden’s son to be indicted for tax fraud.

“I expect him to be indicted,” attorney Clint Lancaster said of Hunter Biden during a CNBC interview on Thursday. “Just based on what I saw in his financial records, I would be surprised if he’s not indicted.”

Lancaster represents Lunden Alexis Roberts – the mother of Biden’s 3-year-old daughter.

Lancaster said that both he and Roberts “don’t want Hunter to go to jail.”

“It’s not my goal, much to the unhappiness of many people in the Republican Party,” Lancaster said of Biden potentially being sentenced to jail.

Roberts – a former stripper from Arkansas – was once on Hunter Biden’s payroll at his consulting firm, according to a June 2021 report.

The Daily Mail claimed to obtain text messages from 2018 on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop between the couple.

“Roberts had previously been reported as a former stripper at a Washington D.C. club which Hunter frequented, but texts reveal she was in fact a worker at his consultancy firm, Rosemont Seneca,” according to the outlet.

Roberts claimed that she “received money from a company” owned or controlled by him from May 2018 until November 2018. Court records state, “She never received tax documents for those payments.”

TheBlaze previously reported, “At the time of Biden’s affair with Lunden, he was dating his late brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, who he moved in with after divorcing his wife of 22 years. Biden remarried in May to Melissa Cohen, who he reportedly had met just days before.”

A DNA test confirmed that Biden is the father of the child “with scientific certainty,” and Roberts sued him for child financial support. Biden had denied the allegations previously. In his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter wrote that he “has no recollection of the encounter” with Roberts.

Lancaster claims that Roberts, 31, supplied federal prosecutors with “a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records.”

“They’re all in electronic form,” Lancaster said of the financial data provided to the federal investigators after being subpoenaed last month. “I would estimate it was anywhere from 10 gigs of data.”

CNBC reported, “The documents were part of the case file for an Arkansas court child-support lawsuit that Roberts filed against Biden in 2019 in connection with their daughter.”

Included in the financial documents are pay records for when Biden was on the board of the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma while his father was vice president of the United States.

“I had his Burisma pay records,” Lancaster told CNBC. “I had records of ultimately what Burisma paid into the United States.”

The New York Post previously reported, “In 2016, Hunter’s total income from Burisma was $999,996. In 2017 it dropped to $665,000, and then $498,000 in 2018.”

Regarding Biden’s financial documents, Lancaster claimed he “saw a lot of information” that is “problematic.”

“I’m not making any statements about what was in the tax records, whether he paid taxes, or whether he didn’t pay taxes,” he clarified.

Lancaster revealed that he and Roberts were interviewed by an assistant U.S. attorney, an FBI agent, and an IRS agent — “one that carries a badge and gun” — over a year ago regarding Biden at a meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas.

When asked if Biden has ever seen his daughter birthed by Roberts, Lancaster responded, “No, he has not. It’s sad, because the baby looks like him, with blond hair.”

Biden has five children from three different women.

Hunter Biden has previously denied all allegations of wrongdoing in his overseas business dealings.