New York Democratic Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney has his work cut out for him.

As the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, it’s his job to, well, make this November less miserable for the Democrats than it currently appears to be shaping up to be.

Any political observer worth his salt has figured out that, thanks largely to President Joe Biden’s current job performance, Democrats’ midterm election prospects are … not great.

Now Maloney, one of the top Democrats in Congress, is warning his fellow party members to stop blaming voters for thinking the Democratic Party is doing a terrible job. Instead, he told Democratic lawmakers that they need to understand that they are the problem.

The DCCC chairman issued the admonition during the House Democrats’ retreat in Philadelphia over the weekend, the Washington Post reported.

After performing what the Post called a “deep dive” into both the 2016 election, which caught the party by surprise when Donald Trump took down Hillary Clinton, and the 2020 election, which saw the GOP net 11 House seats despite Biden pulling in a record number of votes and winning the presidential election by more than 7 million votes.

Maloney — who appears to be one of the few Democrats in leadership who paid attention to the results of Glenn Youngkin’s surprise win in Virginia’s gubernatorial race last year — told the Post that voters see Democrats as “divisive” and “preachy” and working to undermine parents.

“They think that we’re divisive and too focused on cultural issues,” he said. “They think that we’re preachy. They think that we act like we know better than parents when it comes to their kids in schools.”

“The problem is not the voters,” Maloney continued. “The problem is us.”

But it’s possible Maloney hasn’t learned every lesson he should when it comes to the unpopularity of the president considering he wants Democrats to tie themselves even closer to Biden (which is exactly what Republicans plan to do over the next seven-and-a-half months).

He told the paper that he wants “Democrats to embrace Biden’s style,” the Post said.

“He is that person that in many ways we need to become,” Maloney said.