The FBI on Friday released a national “missing person” poster as the search continues for a Pleasant Hill teenager who hasn’t been seen in two months.

Brandon Abbett, who turned 15 just days before his disappearance, hasn’t been seeing since vanishing from his residence sometime between 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. on Jan. 16 and 17.

The FBI’s San Francisco Division put out a statement Friday along with the poster. The Pleasant Hill Police Department also is continuing the search.

Pleasant Hill police were not available for comment immediately.

“Brandon’s a son, a brother, a friend, a grandson, a nephew,” Brandon’s father, Andrew Abbett, said in a family statement provided to the public by the FBI. “He means the World [sic] to us, and so much to the people who know him. Brandon’s upbeat presence impacts so many of us who are around him in a positive way, and without him around it’s been very difficult for us to carry on with our everyday lives without knowing if he is ok and safe. We hope that there is someone out there who may know something about where Brandon is, even if it seems small and insignificant.”

Earlier this month, Pleasant Hill police urgently asked its social media following with information to call them at 925-288-4600, or 925-288-4663, their tip line. Emails can be sent to

Abbett is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighed about 107 pounds when he went missing. Police do not know what he was wearing.

Police and family have not heard from him since his disappearance.

“Please do not hesitate to reach out to the FBI and report anything you may know. No detail is too small to be reported,” Andrew Abbett’s statement continued. “Brandon’s family and friends miss him very much and want nothing but his safe return home. Brandon, if you are seeing or reading this, we love you and miss you dearly, so if you can reach out and contact us, please do. We just want to make sure you are safe.”

Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI’s San Francisco office at 415-553-7400 or any local FBI office. People also can call the American Embassy or Consulate or submit online tips at Tips can remain anonymous.
