Student protests over an “anti-trans” speaker took a turn toward the absurd Wednesday night at the University of North Texas.

Texas House candidate Jeff Younger, who is fighting against gender reassignment surgeries for children, was scheduled to speak by UNT’s branch of the Young Conservatives of Texas about how the Texas judiciary stripped him of his right to protect his then 7-year-old son, James, from “chemical castration” in 2019.

To recap, Jeff Younger lost custody of James over not wanting his ex-wife , Dr. Anne Georgulas, to transition the child’s gender using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Younger is now campaigning against gender-change treatments for children.

Videos from the UNT event this week show protesters shouting “F**k you, fascist,” banging on desks, and screaming when Younger tried to speak. One protester in particular was willing to sacrifice every last infinitesimal remnant of personal dignity to keep the “anti-trans” monster from being heard.

Watch and be amazed:

Wowed viewers on Twitter weighed in:

We here at TheBlaze cannot vouch for the accuracy of that last one, but there you have it.