Chevrolet is recalling a handful of C8 Corvettes produced for the 2021 and 2022 model years due to the possible inclusion of axles produced with one or more missing ball bearings. Axles produced with missing bearings can fail, which can result in a loss of power or even control of the vehicle.

“On September 2, 2021, a GM engineer conducted a warranty inspection of a rear halfshaft recovered from a 2021 Chevrolet Corvette that fractured and caused the vehicle to lose propulsion,” GM’s defect report said.

“Upon inspection, it was found that the halfshaft was missing two of six ball bearings. Discussions with the supplier indicated the supplier may have failed to discover the misbuild due to a potential failure in its inspection process,” it said. 

GM says it consulted with its axle supplier and concluded that a batch of parts from a particular supplier may not have been properly inspected, and that 19 vehicles were fitted with axles from the suspect batch. Customers should be informed starting in April. 

“A review of field data completed on January 22, 2022, revealed no additional relevant field incidents,” GM said. “GM is not aware of any injuries or crashes related to this condition. 18 of the 19 vehicles with suspect parts are currently in the U.S.”

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