Burrow is most widely known for its practically indestructible couches — which we are already a fan of — that mix practicality (scratch- and stain-resistant fabric, anyone?) and style. So when it announced earlier this year that it was moving from the living room to the bedroom, launching an array of bedroom furniture and mattresses, needless to say we were intrigued.

Could the brand’s signature thoughtfulness really translate to mattresses as well? We gave one a shot to see.

Burrow mattress options

Burrow’s first foray into the bedroom came with just two mattress options to pick from: the Lyric All-Foam mattress and the Lyric Hybrid mattress.

The Lyric All-Foam is, as the name suggests, made up entirely of foam, but different types. Underneath the breathable cover is gel-infused foam that’s meant to keep you cool, then a layer of memory foam and then a firmer base foam at the bottom that gives that extra bit of support while still letting you sink into the mattress a little bit, but not so dramatically that you feel like you’re going to hit the floor. (More on that later.)

The Lyric Hybrid mattress gives a bit more true support for those looking for a firmer option. While it has all the different types of cooling foam that the Lyric Foam has, it has additional pocketed coils inside for an extra boost of support.

Given my want for a marshmallow-but-better mattress, I decided the Lyric All-Foam was for me.

First impressions of the Burrow mattress

I live in a studio apartment in Brooklyn, so naturally I was concerned about just how this mattress was going to arrive. To my excitement, it was in a completely manageably sized box. Much like with Burrow’s furniture, I, a single woman who hovers around 5 feet tall, could easily scoot the box down the stairs to my place.

Upon opening it up, I found out that the mattress was folded up into a tight Little Debbie Swiss Roll, and all I really had to do was keep unrolling the tightly wound plastic to set it free. I left it to expand for about two hours (there was no weird plastic smell that can come from a lot of new mattresses) before beginning the usually Herculean task of moving the mattress from the floor to the bed.

But because Burrow is Burrow, there was a little trick. On the sides of the mattress, there are pockets with bands that you can use to actually lift and move the mattress. That’s right, no more clenching at weird memory foam or a loose polyester cover. There are instead two bands hidden on each side, so it’d be exceptionally easy with two people, but it really did make my life easier as a single person too. We’re going to need more mattress brands to catch onto that, please.

Once it was on my frame, I realized just how cool to the touch the mattress really was, which was exactly what I was looking for.

Sleeping on the Burrow mattress

So this is when it gets kind of weird: Because of the special gel-infused foam, you don’t feel like you’re sinking into the mattress, but actually like you’re floating. This was by design, according to the company. It wanted to provide a zero-gravity sensation when you sleep, and I have to say I felt that pretty immediately. It wasn’t that marshmallowy feel, where you sink in, but more like a cloud, where you’re floating on top — which I know now that I prefer.

And while there is that cushy top, there is definite support. I move around a lot in my sleep and no matter the position — back, side, stomach — I felt the mattress supporting me where I needed it to. And though it’s winter in New York right now and being a hot sleeper isn’t exactly a bad thing, I have to say the mattress has already proven to be much cooler than I even anticipated. Even with lots and lots of blankets on, I have not broken a sweat, which is something I routinely did in December when I was using another mattress. I really can’t imagine how nice it’ll be in the summer when I hopefully won’t have to sleep with just a slightly moist sheet ever again.

So far, in my few weeks of owning the mattress, I also haven’t felt any sort of back pain, which I was dealing with from my previous mattress that was completely memory foam with no real supportive base. Though the price tag was a bit shocking for me, judging by the overall quality of the mattress, from the fabrics and stitching to overall feel, it’s a piece I will have for many years to come, and won’t mind taking with me from place to place either.

Bottom line

If you want a mattress that you won’t hate lugging around from place to place for the next few years, I highly recommend these particular mattresses. The company also has a 100-night trial, so if you don’t love it within three months, the company will happily take it back. This is essential for someone who does normally have trouble sleeping like myself. All in all, if you’re looking for a bed-in-a-box brand that combines both practicality and comfort, Burrow is for you.

Source: www.cnn.com