Two women, two strikingly different stories, one very important commonality. Both have experienced a situation where gun control was clearly not a viable solution. For this reason, the DC Project fights gun control policies by highlighting real-life stories of women that demonstrate the failures of such policies.
The DC Project Fights Gun Control Policies with Real-World Examples
The DC Project’s message is clear, Education, not legislation, saves lives. The tragic stories these two women tell should not be happening in a civilized society. But here we are. However, to hear politicians tell it, the only solution is more gun control. Even though current gun control measures do nothing to prevent these kinds of tragedies. In fact, Democrat-run cities, with strict gun control laws are now rampant with rising violent crime.
Lucretia Hughes
In what is common among gun-related crimes, Lucretia Hughes’ son was shot in the head by an illegal gun. The shooting took place at a house party resulting in her son’s death. Furthermore, the killer was a convicted felon who should not have been in possession of a firearm. This only goes to further illustrate the failures of the system to enforce current gun control measures.
As Lucretia states, “My son’s death was a result of a criminal with an evil heart. A sickening reality of the street life and the criminal justice system failing to deal with a convicted felon that pulled the trigger.
“The gun control lobbyists claim their policies will save lives and reduce violence. Well, these policies did not save my son,” she further clarifies.
As a father, I can only imagine the heartbreak of losing a child like this. Her story serves as a demonstration of why more Americans would rather see current gun laws enforced than enact more.
Mary Forgues
The story of Mary Forgues comes from a completely different angle, one where gun control laws could’ve cost her life. Many states have gun storage laws in place and many gun control lobbyists are pushing for more states to follow. However, if she did not have quick access to her firearm, she would be dead now, and her daughter might have been next.
Mary tells her story, “A crazed drug addict broke into my home, pinned me down on the bed, punched me in the face repeatedly, and then he strangled me. I knew he was going to kill me, and I wondered what my daughter would see when she came home. Then I realized she would be his next victim and I started fighting for my life. No, I started fighting for her life.
“I fought to my gun in the dresser. I pointed it straight at him and he stopped in his tracks,” she recalls.
Her story is one of the estimated 2 million lives saved by guns each year and illustrates the point that you are your own first responder. As the adage goes, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. In a gun control utopia, this story could have gone a completely different way.
The DC Project
The DC Project is a gun rights advocacy group that believes gun rights are women’s rights. Likewise, they highlight the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners and encourage the preservation of America’s gun culture. In addition, they believe that firearm safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation.
To learn more about the DC Project or to become a part of their cause through donations or membership, please visit, DCProject.info.
Source: www.personaldefenseworld.com