A social media user raised eyebrows after complaining that people in a bar being “mostly silent” during the Super Bowl performance save for when the sole white rapper, Eminem, walked on stage “feels” like a hate crime.
What are the details?
The user — whose handle is “first-mate prance” and who is a relatively well known TikToker — tweeted, “[S]o i know that everyone in this bar being mostly silent for the halftime show until eminem came on ISNT a hate crime…but it feels like it is.”
The tweet garnered many comments, and at the time of this reporting, the user’s tweet has been liked more than 7,000 times.
The supporters
One emboldened user alluded to racism at play and responded, “Yup, the number of people who said the only performance they liked was Eminem was telling. So it’s not rap they don’t like clearly!”
Another user complained, “[T]he crowd was the loudest when eminem was performing lmfao. i was so mad.”
“[O]h nah that most definitely is [a hate crime],” one user heartily agreed.
Another added, “Bruh nah that is a hate crime bruh,” while yet another user added, “[R]acially motivated without doubt.”
The detractors
Others disagreed and said that racism had nothing to do with the user’s self-reported experience.
One wrote, “Hahaha. Or it could be the fact that Eminem has sold more albums than the others put together. Nothing to do with any racism s**t.”
Another added, “Okay I was in one w mostly black people and they got louder at Eminem[.]”
“[Eminem’s] Lose Yourself is the greatest rap song of all time, there’s a reason everyone was waiting for Eminem,” one user insisted.
Another wrote, “Seriously! Why are you all talking shit about the one white guy?? Racism goes both ways. All those songs are great. Why are you turning this into some kind of a contest??”
“Always one d bag trying to bring race into every equation. Eminem is just better than the rest. Cry about something else weirdo,” another user disagreed.
Anything else?
Following the Rams’ win, the user tweeted, “[A]nyone in la throwing a party…i have work tnrw [sic] but it’s black history month they prob won’t fire me if i don’t show up[.]”