We love our pets so dearly, and seeing their health or mobility deteriorate as they progress in age can be heartbreaking.

There may come a time when you have to make end-of-life decisions for pets, in consultation with your veterinarian, and knowing your options ahead of time can provide some comfort during this tough transition.

Here are some of the signs that may indicate your pet is suffering and losing their quality of life:

  • Chronic pain
  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Incontinence
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Cannot stand or falls when walking
  • Chronic labored breathing or coughing
  • Change in sleeping patterns

If you observe any of these symptoms, your veterinarian can help diagnose your pet and guide you through next steps, with the ultimate goal of alleviating suffering either through treatment or, if recovery is unlikely, preparing for end-of-life transition.

Here is a general list of options and costs to expect when considering end-of-life decisions.

In-home hospice consultation

The focus of hospice care is not to try to cure a pet’s incurable disease, but rather to allow your pet to live comfortably in their final days or weeks. This is a service where a veterinarian visits your home to review your pet’s medical records, performs a physical exam, and assesses the home environment. Treatment may include your pet’s pain management, dietary recommendations, or holistic alternative therapies such as acupuncture.

In-home euthanasia services

This service often lasts a few hours to give you last moments to cherish with your pet. It starts with a discussion to address any of your questions or concerns about in-home euthanasia. Next they will provide a sedation injection to ease your pet’s discomfort, then perform a painless and peaceful euthanasia. These services may include an animal keepsake (such as a clay paw print or hair clipping), as well as grief support material.

They may also handle transportation for the cremation and notify your veterinarian of your pet’s passing.

In-home euthanasia with individual cremation

If you’d like your beloved pet’s ashes returned to you, individual cremation is your best option. Remains are cremated alone, and your pet’s ashes are given to you typically in a custom urn or box, and may include a personalized name plate and an additional keepsake.

In-home euthanasia with communal cremation

Your pet will be cremated with other pets, and the ashes will be scattered accordingly, rather than returned to you. Some common places they may scatter remains are in the sea, or in land designated for this purpose. This is the most economical cremation option.

Animal shelter euthanasia

You may also check with your local animal shelter about the euthanasia services they provide. Euthanasia can usually be done with you or without you present.

While it’s difficult to even imagine having to make these decisions, hopefully you’ll find comfort in knowing the various options available to you.

Below is a list of resources to help with pet loss

Nicole Forsyth is president and CEO of RedRover, a non-profit organization that focuses on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. She writes For the Love of Pets for the Bay Area News Group. Send questions to petpalconnection@bayareanewsgroup.com.

Source: www.mercurynews.com