A Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bridge collapsed early Friday morning, injuring at least 10 people, according to reports.

The snowy collapse took place just hours before President Joe Biden is set to visit the city for an infrastructure address.

What are the details?

The collapse took place in the the area of Forbes and Braddock Avenues just before 7 a.m. local time on Friday.

Neighbor Wendy Stroh told KDKA-TV that the sound of the collapse was terrifying.

“It sounded like a huge snow plow,” she said, “pushing along the surface with no snow. I didn’t know what it was. … It was very frightening.”

Later Friday morning, Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire Chief Darryl Jones told reporters that at least 10 people were injured in the collapse. Three people were transported to area hospitals for treatment, but none of the reported injuries were life-threatening.

Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey (D) said that the bridge, which spans across Hot Dog Dam Dog Park, was inspected in September.

Councilman Corey O’Connor told the station that the bridge collapse isn’t minor.

“This is a vital road, artery, in our area,” he said. “This is a road that a lot of use in the east end, going around the tunnel. We’re looking at a couple-year closure here possibly.”

According to the Washington Post, several vehicles — including a Port Authority bus — were on the bridge at the time of the collapse.

Port Authority spokesman Adam Brandolph confirmed to the Post that the bus driver and two passengers were able to escape from the collapse without injury.

“We are extremely thankful that no one from the bus reported any injuries, and grateful for the first responders who risked their own lives to save others,” Brandolph told the outlet.

What else?

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted about Biden’s visit and said that the administration is “grateful” for the city’s first responders.

“.@POTUS has been told of the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh,” she wrote. “Our team is in touch with state and local officials on the ground as they continue to gather information about the cause of the collapse.”

She added, “@POTUS is grateful to the first responders who rushed to assist the drivers who were on the bridge at the time. The President will proceed with trip planned for today and will stay in touch with officials on the ground about additional assistance we can provide.”