Although America has its appalling share of child sex offenders, the law and culture still consider such behavior a heinous crime – at least until the Soros prosecutors take over the country. However, not all cultures are like that. What is the implication of bringing in carte blanche over 76,000 Afghans last year without any regard for cultural assimilation considerations? And by assimilation, I’m not referring to food and cloths, but core values.
Earlier this week, 24-year-old Mohammed Tariq, an Afghan refugee, was found guilty of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base where he was temporarily living along with many other refugees. According to the Justice Department, Tariq was arrested last September in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling a three-year-old girl. “United States Marines observed the defendant inappropriately touching the victim over her clothing, on her chest, genitals, and buttocks,” wrote the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of Virginia in a press release following the jury conviction. “The victim and Tariq were unrelated, however, both Tariq and the victim and her family had recently been evacuated from Afghanistan and brought to the United States.”
AP reports that according to court documents, at the time of the incident “Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture.” It turns out that Tariq was brought to America over the summer when the Taliban took over Kabul because he was a contractor for U.S. soldiers.
There’s a powerful lesson here about the counterproductive failures of our two-decade undefined mission in the hellhole called Afghanistan. Not only did we bring in thousands of people from remote parts of the country who had nothing to do with the U.S. military and we have no way of vetting them, but also the much-vaunted “contractors and interpreters” who “helped” our troops (help their own country) are unvetted as well. Sure, we might have successfully paid off some locals to help them with various tasks, but that does not make them fit for our culture and values. Now imagine the fact that we have brought in at least 76,000 Afghans last year on top of the over 76,000 we brought in since 2001. How many of them share the views of Tariq? Not all of them, but we have no way of knowing. “Invade the world, invite the world” is not exactly a strategy in the interests of the citizens of the United States.
Imagine the Americans Biden was willing to leave behind in Afghanistan in order to bring in backwards creeps like Tariq! The reality is that child sex is a known problem in the culture in parts of Afghanistan. I interviewed Jarrin Jackson, a retired Army captain who served two tours in Afghanistan and has run twice for Congress in Oklahoma, to get his reaction to this story. “In my two years of service in Afghanistan, I saw firsthand, the staples of Afghan culture,” said Jackson who commanded a platoon in the 101st Airborne.
“Most Afghans are decent, hard-working people; they just want to be left alone. However, the most disgusting and evil part of their culture, was a culture of tolerance for the sexually vicious. Young children were groomed and assaulted, and as they aged, would serve at the homosexual pleasure alongside warlords and wealthy Afghans. Every American soldier understood what a ‘cheska’ was and that it was impolite to draw attention to the sodomy and sexualization of young children.”
Jackson conducted operations in Khost Province, as well as Ghazni, Wardak, Helmand, and Khandahar. He feels guilty to this day that he didn’t slap around some of the perpetrators. “To my shame, I ignored multiple instances where I suspected rape and abuse of male prisoners by our Afghan partners, because I didn’t want the American mission to fail because it collided with the Afghan sexual ethic.”
The New York Times wrote an expose in 2015 about U.S. soldiers being told to remain silent in the face of witnessing these child molestations. In 2017, an aide to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) accused the Pentagon of blocking a report about rampant child molestation among the ranks of the Afghan soldiers and police, individuals who often worked closely with our military and would be candidates for special refugee status. Eventually, the report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) was released and chronicled how our military commanders gave the Afghan soldiers a free pass to molest children. There was a high-profile story with Green Beret Charles Martland who was initially punished for losing his cool and beating up an Afghan who had molested a boy and harmed the boy’s mother.
So, are we to believe that bringing in 76,000 afghans carte blanche has not led to the importation of some of this culture? The Quantico molestation case is not the first such incident. Two Afghan refugees were arrested at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin in September on rape charges, one of who is charged with child rape. A “vigorously vetted” Afghan was charged in October with rape in Missoula, Montana. At the time of the alleged rape in Montana, Rep. Matt Rosendale pointed out that during the initial court hearing, Mohmand’s attorney claimed that “cultural and language barriers” may have led to the rape. In another incident, A group of Afghan evacuees allegedly assaulted a female service member at Fort Bliss while they were staying on the base.
Well, not only does the Biden administration plan to move the existing ones out from the military bases into our communities by next month, but they are working on bringing in tens of thousands overseas through our military base in Qatar. Axios reports that DHS is planning “an expedited U.S. Refugee Admissions Program process in Qatar” that would “immediately put Afghans on a pathway to green cards.”
Red states can simply say no. They have a moral obligation to their citizens to block social transformation without representation. American citizens in some cities can’t go to the store without a Pfizer passport, yet people from the most dangerous, volatile, and culturally problematic parts of the world can be airdropped into our community with no way of vetting if they are fit for our society, much less engaged in terrorism. If we didn’t know any better, we might think our government is trying to replace We the People.