A transgender woman blasted opponents of Indiana’s HB 1041 — a bill that would prohibit biological males from competing in women’s sports.
What are the details?
Corrina Cohn, 46, recently appeared before the Indiana House of Representatives and told lawmakers that she believes it is wholly unfair to “expect girls to cede their hard-won rights.”
In passionate testimony, Cohn said that as an independent, she voted for members of both Republican and Democratic parties.
“My testimony today is based on my personal opinion as a transsexual,” Cohn said. “That is, a person who was born male and used pharmaceutical hormones and plastic surgery to feminize my body so that I appear to be a woman. Despite having these procedures, my sex is male and neither science nor medicine can change that.”
Cohn went on to detail her own experience as a transgender woman and used transgender swimmer Lia Thomas as an example of trans activists violating women’s sports.
“I began this process as a teenager, and although my testosterone levels have been in the female range for nearly 30 years, male puberty has endowed me with physical advantages such as height, bone structure, and increased lung capacity,” Cohn said. “For example, I stand 5’10”, which puts me in the 99th percentile for women’s height. I am just an inch shorter than the elite women athletes in the WNBA. The average male is 5 inches taller than the average female. Banning males from participating in women’s and girls sport would be justified on this basis alone.”
Cohn added that it’s easy to see the physical advantages that most transgender women have over biological women and noted that Thomas is a beneficiary of great advantage when it comes to competing against biological women.
“If more males like Lia are permitted to compete against women, it will become common to see women marginalized in their own sport category,” Cohn explained. “I have school-aged girls in my family. I know they often need support and encouragement to stick to competitive activities. When boys are allowed to compete with girls in their own sport, that is one more reason a girl has to talk herself out of participating.”
What else?
Following her appearance, Cohn told the Daily Signal that “trans activism has become a zero-sum game.”
“I am privileged to be able to live my life peacefully and enjoy a wide range of civil rights as a trans person,” Cohn told the outlet on Monday.
Cohn warned, however, that if transgender activists continue to “cannibalize women’s rights,” the backlash will be “severe.”
“I wish that we could all break out of the tribal mentality,” Cohn added. “I feel distressed that organizations like Planned Parenthood have sold out women. … The trans rights movement has captured organizations which had traditionally supported women’s rights. These groups are now effectively men’s rights organizations.”
Biologically Male Transsexual TEARS Into Radicals Attacking Women’s Sports www.youtube.com